^ I wrote that a week ago, and saved it in drafts and when I looked it was still here, so lets leave it on!

Speaking of drunken slurs, last night me and Michaela went on the razz and met up with the usual Winstanley suspects, I'm going to miss them when the spread across the country like some kind of friendly, clever plague. *Why were on the subject of drunkness, I apologize to the several people i texted last night, i read my outbox this morning and was highly embarrased! It was all true though, to give me some credit!!!!*
I was happy to find out Mel's staying though, thats 1 of them that wont be able to get rid of me so easily!!!! It's going to be a tough week I think, purely because quite a few people will be preparing to go/ or actually going off, and thanks to my wonderful decisions and ability to screw up my choices, I'm sticking around for another year!!!! But quite a few of my closest friends are sticking around which is good news.
Chris and Natalie have been discussing houses recently, and day by day the idea is really growing on me a lot- I wish it could work out, and maybe it will!! If i, again, ever get a job, im panicking now because people seem to be doing well and finding stuff, and i'm still stuck behind signing on the dole! Wish me the best of luck :D I'm going to buck my ideas up!
I'll end on a few happy notes-
I have fallen in love. With the breakdown train "Toad" from Thomas the Tank Engine. Seriously. I don't know if its because i'm mentally breaking down, or because I'm spending more time with Ayler, but I find Toad very funny. Classic lines like "Begging your pardon Mr Oliver", he is my favourite character since Tara Maclay. And i've also realised i love Superintendant Charlmers!!!!!! The second happy note I'll most likely blog about when it comes to pass, and i've been informed it'll be Thursday at the latest!!!!

So, to sum up, things are average in Nathan's world
But average is better than depressing!!!!
Lots of love to you all!!!!!!
xxxx thanks for reading xxxx
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