Friday, February 26, 2010


I'm gun beat cho ass on this traaaain
Classic Train Girl. Youtube it! Thanks for that gem Katie Corless :D Good Times

I went to a pub quiz Monday- we managed to get 20 out of 65. Ant said he thought the team might do better with me and Johanna on board- we both dropped out of Uni early in. The only thing we have a degree in is losing. But to be fair, the questions were pretty terrible. Pretty terrible indeed. And one of the rounds didn't make sense- the guy said "The last word from the previous answer will start the next answer". Then one of the questions, the answer was "Cyprus". And the next question was about a Bond film. Useless.

Life is as exciting as ever- Natalie and Jessica return on Monday though, which is fun! I've realised why I still haven't passed my driving test too- ignoring the fact that I haven't booked my test again since September...I don't particularly like it...Strange.

I have a new man crush. On the woman from N-Dubz, Tulisa? I don't know why- maybe its the minor femaleness of her. She's still no Gwaggz though. I have also found a new passion for the game "Lips", despite my horrible horrible voice. I managed to get over 100,000 points on "Push the Button" by the Sugababes. Wow. I should join, they'll probably need a new one soon anyway.

I worked for 9 hours today which was interesting, considering I was only supposed to be doing 2. But I'm a fan of money. Speaking of fans, these Facebook groups are getting ridiculous now. Why would I feel the need to let people know that when i hear the words "Just a small town girl", I sing "Living in a lonely world", or "When I'm upset, I use one word answers". I don't think anyone in the world would benefit from knowing this shit.

Fuck you Facebook, you're becoming Myspace. But more pretentious. Because everyone thinks they're too old for Myspace- but LOOK AT THE SHIT YOU'RE JOINING! Admittedly, some of the funny ones are worth it, even if they don't help anything in my daily life. Anyway yeah, I worked 9 hours with Piper, but thats never a bad thing! Big news Jders- we now have a women's sale rack. Things are really shaping up.

Its wierd that Rachel's only been in London for like 2 days, and I miss her! Sometimes I go weeks without seeing her though- maybe its because I know she's been away...maybe she's bought me a PRESENT. Probably not. I bet Jay gets a present. I want a present.

SOMEBODY BUY ME SOMETHING. Happy Birthday Samantha dear by the way. I'm going back to Edge Hill next week to visit her/you, I'm a little bit excited. I like the bit with the people- not so much the bit with the advertising course though. Or the £4,100 I need to pay back. OOPS. Went back to John Rigby yesterday...I didn't like it at all. It reminded me that I'm not there anymore, and people kept walking past and I didn't know them! I wish we were all back at college...

Anyway, I'm bored of typing now.

Night Night

Friday, February 19, 2010


Look, its GAGA! But not from last night sadly- impending failures made us not buy tickets to her Fame Ball Tour for whatever reason. Bad times. But everyone's got Gaga (or Gwaggz, as I prefer to call her) mania at the moment, which obviously makes me happy- more people to talk about her with!!!! But I hope all who attended had fun and I hope some people have videos to show me!

In less interesting news, Ke$ha has a new song, but it has nothing to do with me changing my blog around because the black and yellow was hurting my eyes. So welcome to 2010, my "fans". I've been poorly, sort of, for 2 or so days, the last time I was ill i decided to drop out of uni. This time i just opted for rest- its £4,100 cheaper. Apparantly Megan Fox is the sexiest woman alive- I don't really see it myself, she's nothing special is she? I know another M.F who I'd much rather marry. If she hadn't died...

Anyway I REALLY have nothing to write about. Literally nothing exciting has happened to me for a while- I did go out on Friday though with work friends and that was fun times :D, here's a photo from it, just to prove I'm not making it up for psychiatric reasons, like Norman Bates or something. But i assume he had better things to do than pretend he'd gone to Revolution and Lux.

I don't even know 2 of the people on this picture properly. And i look like a woman. As per. My mum forgot who I was the other day, she thought I was my friend Piper on a photo. Granted, this is him:

Even so, you'd still remember which one you gave birth to. I was thinking about school tests today- there's really no point in them is there? Not the GCSE ones, obviously, but like, Y9 MOCK SAT MOCKS 1 and stuff like that. Its an uneccesary waste of everyone's time, and what's the deal with no speaking? I might take over the country and sort things out. And i think i spelled uneccesary wrong too, so they don't even work.
Natalie and Jess returned to WIGGUN on Sunday/Monday which was a lovely treat because I was counting down till March when I get to see them, but they were here! I want to go to Glasgow now though...any offers guyssss???? I keep buying unnecessary amounts of food (I'm sick of the word necessary now, I need a word I know I'm spelling correctly), and leaving it in other people's houses or cars. Never a good idea when you're already 4 grand in debt at 19. But they can't take it away from me! I bought 2 cardigans too, because I'm a granddad. Speaking of children, I wish Frankie's would hurry up, for her sake more than my own...obviously.
Without sounding sexist, I'm glad I'm not a woman. I fully couldn't be arsed with all the maintainance it takes. And I'd rather not whack another person out of me. On that thought, I'm going to go now.
Hope everyone is well, keep in touch!!! xxxx

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Get in the bag

JD. The D stands for DRAMA.

So theres this supervisor Emma, right, and she's a total skank. Only kidding, she might be one of the only people who ever reads this blog. So WELLDONE, for your namecheck. You've earned it sugar tits :p
My life is fairly uninteresting, so there's very little point in blogging, but guess what I'm gonna do it anyway! I've decided that this years a bit crappy, so I'm going to just drink until I can't feel feelings anymore from now on! That's the rational way about this, RIGHT? In the past 2 weeks a fair amount has changed, but nothing too interesting. I've had a spring cleanout of gompers in my life, and got rid of them- hopefully this will make things better for me!

NATALIE AND JESS ARE IN SCOTLAND. WTF. But no, I'm happy that they're enjoying themselves and I sort of wish I was doing these things along with them! Who knows, maybe a summer in France is what I need (I understand i said Scotland before- I know the 2 places aren't the same...but these bitches get bored of countries).
So it's Valentines Day on Sunday- how are we spending it? Well I'm spending 9 hours with the love of my life who treats me well, is really open, and knows what music I like. That's right...I'll be at JD. "Love of my life" was sarcasm, for those who think I'm more mental than I actually seem to be right now. Which right now, is fairly insane. Christ knows why. I laughed for 5 minutes at a pen the other day, because it was an unusual shade of green. Bringing the racism to the pen world now. But yeah, single on valentines day, especially when you know the person you wish to be with is with someone else, is quite daunting. But maybe I'll see my wonderful Funbuns and we'll eat the night away!

Speaking of Frankie (Who is funbuns, for those of you who didn't BOTHER to go to school with me), she's right good, and i'm glad that we're spending loads of time together coz we alllwaayys have a RIGHT LAUGH. But we always insult the same few people. By now, you'd think we'd get over it. One of them we haven't seen for about 3 years!

Anyway, yeah, you can see that not much is going on. We went ribbon shopping the other day. This is how all almost 20 year olds live, right? But going on the RAZZ tomorrow night for Piper's birthday! Its either going to be amazing, or really really fucking terrible. Who KNOWS! Not because of Piper. He's good.

Oh yeah, all the pictues are irrelevant. But didn't they MAKE YOUR DAY! Thanks for the title Katie. Maybe you could tell me what its supposed to mean.

Monday, February 01, 2010


What an exciting weekend! If you're interested in overpriced drinks, Japanese waiters, beautiful ladies, and Graham from Coronation Street, then this is the blog for you! It was Andrea's 20 and a month'th birthday celebrations on Saturday night, and being the only lad doesn't do you any favours when you already look like a woman. It just furthers the conspiricy theory that you are a woman. These are some of the "GIRLIES", shudder, that partook in the evening! You've got your Andreas, your Jess's, your Jodies, your Rachaels, your Natalies, your Emmas, your Robyns, and much more. We went to this Japanese resteraunt, and it was like that one on FRIENDS where Ross and his lesbian wife went, including the food being thrown at us. And fire. See below.

Told you. Anyway, i bought 1 drink there, Vodka and Red Bull. FIVE POUNDS SEVENTY. I dont know where they get off! But somehow Charlotte and Aimee managed to bring a whole new meaning to the phrase "shitfaced" in there, so they must be lightweights or loaded. Anyway, it was an interesting experience, but I don't think i'll be paying to have asian guys screaming OPEN YOU MOOOOOUTHH and throwing potatoes at me anytime soon. But in terms of an "Andrea" thing to do, it was something only she could decide she wanted to do on a night out, which is why we all love her so dearly. After this meal thang, we went to Deansgate. No offense to Wigan, but Deansgate people make Wigan people look like they're on the Hills have eyes. Somehow I managed to get some kind of blood on my back aswell. Or it might be crayon, apparantly. Who knows. Anyway, to sum up. It wer good! So thanks Andrea! I had a nice time getting to know some of the other girls like Charlotte and Jenna a bit better, which is fun. The more the merrier!
Other than that, I basically slept, and then went into Wigan with Piper who didn't fully know how to work entering a shop to his advantage, then we went to a staff meeting which was surprisingly more fun than it sounds. At least the new manager guy seems fair, which is always a good thing. :D
I have nothing else to say, other than some advice. Don't waste your time on people who BLATANTLY ignore you after you try and be civil. Whats the point? 14 year old scene girl time.
You don't know her like i do. 16 years.
Peace all