JD. The D stands for DRAMA.
So theres this supervisor Emma, right, and she's a total skank. Only kidding, she might be one of the only people who ever reads this blog. So WELLDONE, for your namecheck. You've earned it sugar tits :p

My life is fairly uninteresting, so there's very little point in blogging, but guess what I'm gonna do it anyway! I've decided that this years a bit crappy, so I'm going to just drink until I can't feel feelings anymore from now on! That's the rational way about this, RIGHT? In the past 2 weeks a fair amount has changed, but nothing too interesting. I've had a spring cleanout of gompers in my life, and got rid of them- hopefully this will make things better for me!

NATALIE AND JESS ARE IN SCOTLAND. WTF. But no, I'm happy that they're enjoying themselves and I sort of wish I was doing these things along with them! Who knows, maybe a summer in France is what I need (I understand i said Scotland before- I know the 2 places aren't the same...but these bitches get bored of countries).

So it's Valentines Day on Sunday- how are we spending it? Well I'm spending 9 hours with the love of my life who treats me well, is really open, and knows what music I like. That's right...I'll be at JD. "Love of my life" was sarcasm, for those who think I'm more mental than I actually seem to be right now. Which right now, is fairly insane. Christ knows why. I laughed for 5 minutes at a pen the other day, because it was an unusual shade of green. Bringing the racism to the pen world now. But yeah, single on valentines day, especially when you know the person you wish to be with is with someone else, is quite daunting. But maybe I'll see my wonderful Funbuns and we'll eat the night away!

Speaking of Frankie (Who is funbuns, for those of you who didn't BOTHER to go to school with me), she's right good, and i'm glad that we're spending loads of time together coz we alllwaayys have a RIGHT LAUGH. But we always insult the same few people. By now, you'd think we'd get over it. One of them we haven't seen for about 3 years!

Anyway, yeah, you can see that not much is going on. We went ribbon shopping the other day. This is how all almost 20 year olds live, right? But going on the RAZZ tomorrow night for Piper's birthday! Its either going to be amazing, or really really fucking terrible. Who KNOWS! Not because of Piper. He's good.
Oh yeah, all the pictues are irrelevant. But didn't they MAKE YOUR DAY! Thanks for the title Katie. Maybe you could tell me what its supposed to mean.
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