Monday, October 20, 2008

Don't be sad! It's CARNIVALE!

Wow i haven't done this for a while! A fair bits changed since my last soiree into blogging:

  • Ayler is now 4 years old
  • I have encountered more celebrities to add to the list
  • I am on my way 2 actually doing my theory finally
  • Friendships have been "exposed" so to speak!
  • I am a fan of Gullivers World
  • I have picked my favourite X Factor contestant, and for once it isn't a 40 year old black woman! It's Diana

Anyway not a lots been going on, the most interesting thing that's happened would have to be my visit to Hollyoaks. Which was like this Thursday just gone, it was rate immense! Me and Michaela saw, Ravi, who looked a bit like he wanted more attention than we were giving him, then Tony strutted through singing to himself, then Leo waltzed in, then Neville, who i thought had died, then Cindy, Louise and Mandy!! Didn't actually talk 2 any of them though, gutted, but we had a tour of the set at the end and the guy who does the Hollyoaks Backstage stuff was nice 2 us and spoke 2 us, and Chris even slammed in a Graphics Crew link

Ayler's birthday came around on Friday, and he seemed 2 have a nice time. I went to Gullivers World with him on Saturday, and managed to look more terrified than any of the surrounding children on one ride. In my defence i DIDNT EXPECT IT TO DROP AND IT WENT DAMN HIGHER THAN I EXPECTED IT TO! You can see Ayler at the side laughing to himself! Little DAREDEVIL!

And as for the friendships thing, several people have now had their last chance to salvage things, and 1 or 2 of them are ones i genuinally expected to care!!!

But oh well im happy with the friends i've got these days, they LOVE MEEEE and i love them!!!

Also, well done to both Natalie and Chris who both went on the Motorway for the first time recently and wer DEAD BRAAAVE. Well in guysss!!!!!!

2night i met Jess's sister Robin (or Robyn but i think its Robin haha) and she was rate lovely! And me, her, Jess and Corless 1 went 2 the CARNIVALE which didnt really work out for Johnny No Rides Over here, i dont like rides! But it was fun chav spotting and eating old popcorn with the Corless! And the others seemed 2 enjoy theirselves toooo!!!!!

xxxx GC Episode 2 should be done soon for you "fans" xxxx

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Door

Harro Allll

I just ate a Haribo off the floor from last nights filming session. This is truly the life. The job front is picking up pace slowly, I had the most interesting and unique job interview of ALL TIME was for the Ethnic Emporium in the middle of Wigan, it was one of those places I gave a CV in but they said they didn't have anything at the time so i sort of forgot about it, but they phoned up, so SCORE for me. Unluckily its only a Saturday job, but hopefully if i set myself up with a nice weekday job too i'll be ROLLIN IN IT LAAAA

Some of the questions included, "Would you have any problems with Gays and Wiccas", which lets face it, isn't the kind of question Boots or something wouldn't throw at you. Another one was like, "If a shifty kind of man came in, would you sell him a sword?"...again...Boots, not so much with the swordplay. I loves it! Hope i get this one it could be really interesting! She asked me to tell her about me, so whilst mentioning my dad was a joiner the woman asked "Do you have doors on your wardrobe?" and I thought "Nothing will top this Job Interview" your heart out Marks and Spencers with your questions about obese women who try to buy something that isn't flattering.

Yesterday was entertaining too, and we saw Will and managed to swindle him into filming a scene for Episode 3 of the GC (even though Episode 2 isn't finished yet...why we needed him for Ep3 will be revealed upon its release!). It was odd dressing up in college style clothes and trapsing around Wigan College, ITS NO JOHN RIGBY. There was a scary bearded man who accused me of cruising I think. He said something like "You're standing by the boys toilets, people might get the wrong idea". There were like 5 of us, surely we dont ALL look like perverts.

Anyway, today again, I managed to buy my Ipod! Eventually, music again! My phone didn't compare once one of the headphones went bust. And now Chris's car is insured we planned to go to Formby, but it went dark so we went to Haigh Hall and watched Nat and Jess get pissed (I'm a bit ill, and Chris was driving), then we returned to our individul maisons after throwing Nat and Jess onto some street to get mauled by Little Dave.

And I watched Ugly Betty
Which i love
Long live Amanda!!!!!

thanks for reading! and please do my poll once again! (Ayler won the last one, I came second, Chris and Natalie joint third, and Michaela sadly last!)
xxxx Big Love xxxx

Friday, October 03, 2008

The Downfall of Nathan O'leary

Hello everyone!

Firstly, Episode One of the Graphics Crew is up, called "Fallen Empire", ask me about it if you're interested. Me and the rest of the team are happy with the outcome, it's something we can actually be proud of making and actually completing, we just hope you like it and get it as much as us!

Secondly. 18 year old people, and some younger ones, are crap. For some of them it's apparant friendship doesn't mean a lot, friendship with me at least. Obviously I have those, recently decreasing in amount, minority that I can call true friends, but as for quite a lot of my college friends, it's been downhill since we left. And some of these have shocked me because I thought our friendship was based on more than a building in which we had to see each other daily. Maybe I'm just being paranoid on some counts but it feels like i've lost contact with a damn lot of people who both sides said we wouldn't. And sometimes it's my fault, but i'd like to think most of the time it isn't. People know with me that i feel a lot of the time i put more effort into the friendship than the other side, so i've decided that i'm going to wait and see how many of the people i called friends make an effort with me, or if our friendship was all about me making plans. It seems like people are all up for being my friend if I organise stuff, but if i dont i'm pretty easy to forget about.

Anyway, that tesco job i didn't get. So GUTTED. But oh well, i'm hoping for the best with another 1 in wigan :D :D.

I'd like to say I really am grateful to those friends of mine who are still around and make as much effort with me as I make with them and they do know who they are coz i keep bombarding them with this grateful-ness, if that's a word

This was a bit negative wasn't it!
Anyway, goodnight, check out Episode 1 if you fancy it, and sleep well!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Episode One: Fallen Empire

These are the people who seem to be making my Summer-Autumn months brilliant
And Jess aswell, and a few others
Hi Everyone!
Well today, we officially, the Graphics Crew, as a four, met up for the first time since JUNE! And we filmed the final 2 scenes for GC Episode 1...which will debut tomorrow! Thanks to all who did my poll, i shall announce the results soon! As many of you will know, the graphics crew started out as a bit of a joke but it's grown into a full blown hobby for all involved- and there's videos aplenty for us to look back on in the coming years!
Episode One focuses on the fact that our un-made GC3 Movie caused the destruction of College, so the GC4 split (ie me, chris, natalie, michaela) never to speak again- and now because the Mayor (who is a familiar face may i add) needs to rebuild the destroyed town (where the college was), Vickie has been set the task to reunite us.
It's a funny old "romp" and im sure you'll enjoy it, so i'll post the link for 2morrow. As for now i'd like for you to join "" which Michaela Halsall has just set up!!!!
Lots of love guys