Herro guyzzzzz
Not a long un 2night, i worked for FOUR hours today. FOUR. I really do have a laugh on that stand at work now, they're all funny people!!!! Someone called Paul unattractive though, YOU DONT TALK TO PAUL LIKE THAT, ESPECIALLY IF YOUR A CUSTOMER. GO HOME.
It was a bit busy like, and we ran out of like....food, which is never good, the burly football goers just look at you like they're going to actually punch you in the face. Especially when they're drunk. I hate it when its busy, i also hate it when they call me LOVE...and then realise...
Anyway im having a nice old chat with Laura Waterworth about the good old days, she's a bit weepy and im getting all emotional! I'ma miss college so much, i hope all the people i liked keep in touch with me and all the ones i pretend to sort of move on! IT'LL BE HARD, I AM ME. But you'll do it.
Katie Corless introduced me to the funniest youtube man ever, Tourettes Guy, not really got tourettes but the video is funny. I love violent outbursts, and there's plenty of them. Check out the "best bits" video of his, its funnnnnyyyyy
Well thats it! Night Night and keep SAFE
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