Herro guyzzzzz
Not a long un 2night, i worked for FOUR hours today. FOUR. I really do have a laugh on that stand at work now, they're all funny people!!!! Someone called Paul unattractive though, YOU DONT TALK TO PAUL LIKE THAT, ESPECIALLY IF YOUR A CUSTOMER. GO HOME.
It was a bit busy like, and we ran out of like....food, which is never good, the burly football goers just look at you like they're going to actually punch you in the face. Especially when they're drunk. I hate it when its busy, i also hate it when they call me LOVE...and then realise...
Anyway im having a nice old chat with Laura Waterworth about the good old days, she's a bit weepy and im getting all emotional! I'ma miss college so much, i hope all the people i liked keep in touch with me and all the ones i pretend to sort of move on! IT'LL BE HARD, I AM ME. But you'll do it.
Katie Corless introduced me to the funniest youtube man ever, Tourettes Guy, not really got tourettes but the video is funny. I love violent outbursts, and there's plenty of them. Check out the "best bits" video of his, its funnnnnyyyyy
Well thats it! Night Night and keep SAFE
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Goodbye Tree!
That 35 year old tree in my garden is GONE! These kids keep trying to climb it and despite the fact both Natalie and myself fully screamed, and we mean SCREAMED, at them, and also hosed them, it didn't stop those little "troopers" from trying to climb it. If they DIE we'll get sued, thankyou very much! Anyway their persistance made for some brilliant Tuesday night entertainment, some quality 1 liners that i've sadly forgot most of! There was a classic Katie Corless in there though. One of the girls was called Katie:
Its been a busy few days guys, well busy enough for me! Tuesday brought a smashing night in with Natalie, Jess, Chris, Vickie, Katie, Myself, and Ayler briefly, and then we decided that we (we being Me, Natalie, Jess and Chris because the others have Nursery, School and College for the epic lose) should go to Southport on Wednesday just for a break from all the nothingness we are doing. So we decided as me, Jess and Natalie would be there, we would review our 2nd haunt on the food list- Bruciani's in Wigan town center! And here is said review, complete with a guest reviewer Chris Holding! Firstly, because Jess and Nat were late me and Chris bought these M&M Super Milkshakes or something, they were AMAZING, the BEST drink in Wigan that doesn't have any alcohol in it haha
He's doing a Cinderella Panto and needs size 12 heels. Now if you thought asking for size 12 heels was bad, he was doing it and me and natalie kept making a scene and telling people he was doing a drag act. He could of killed us. One old lady complimented him though, but she was clearly taking the piss. We decided to walk down to the little cafe type thing at the end of that boardwalk and it took forever, but inside it was nice except there was no hot food. But we weren't rating it. So its ok. Theres a nice view of what currently is just sand, but im sure when the tide is in its rate nice. We filmed some quality shit for the GC whilst we were there too! Then it was time for what is unfortunately for chickens becoming a regular trait of ours, the McDonalds run. I decided i wanted 20 nuggets. Then so did Chris. Then so did Natalie. So Jess had to order SIXTY nuggets, and she said "SIXTY NUGGETS" because we made her
The woman said "Six?" and Jess had to again clarify it was Six-TY. And it wasnt a voice box either, it was face to face. The shame, the shame. We drove down to the beach and gorged ourselves there, then the sun was sort of setting so we waited around on the beach for a bit before heading back!
Overall its been a lovely couple of days, and i've got an interview at Hindley Tesco tomorrow too! Somehow...i haven't APPLIED there. haha. But i AINT COMPLAININ. I enjoy spending time with these aforementioned people and it shalt happen more, i demand it!
Lots of love, sorry this blog was so so long!!!!!
Me: "You 2 have the same name YOU SHOULD BOND"
Katie C: "Yes but Im attractive"
Classic. That girl was a biffa though, seriously. Not Corless haha, the other 1. We also got some classic scenes down and GC Ep1 is soon to be out! Wheyhey! Thanks for doing my poll aswell people.
Food- 8- Since it was breakfast time the menu was mostly bacon/egg based, so I had a Bacon Barm, Jess has Egg on Toast, and Chris and Nat "treated themselves" to a full English. I had no complaints with my food, and the only thing that Chris and Jess could fault it on was the tanginess or, in Jess's case, the being there, of the tomatos. It didn't knock us out, but there were no complaints to be made!
Atmosphere- 9- It's a lovely little place thats got like a Roman theme to it, they play some nice relaxing music, the only problem was the roof but nobody cares about rooves. The chairs didnt have cushions either, but oh well. Other than that it was lovely
Place- 10- Slap Bang in middle of Wigan, we can all get there quite easily and its convenient to just drop in any time we're (or you're) hungry
Price- 9- The only way it can get a 10 is if it's free food. Which it wasnt. But it didn't come to more than a fiver for any of us, and thats with the food and a large drink to boot. I love saying "to boot". So its a cheap place to go with some damn nice food, which is rare really aint it!
Staff- 9- One of them looked like our former GC friend Megan, which was a bonus. They were very polite and didn't get anything wrong, and they seemed like lovely young women! So go them!
Overall- 45/50. Beating Little 15!!!! It's a nice place to go, just a cafe to stop off for something to eat rather than a "evening out" kind of place, but there wasn't much wrong with the place!!!!!
MOVING ON, Southport brought a shocking dissapointment. The jet boats and motor boats were NOT there. So we sulked for a bit and had to find other ways to amuse ourselves, and soon we turned into maniacs craving tickets from the arcade to win prizes. But combined we managed to club together ONE THOUSAND and FIFTY FOUR tickets- which we bought all Five Spice Girls Action Figures, 5 Bouncy Balls, and 2 sets of fuzzy "die" for Natalie and Jess's cars! And for once, Natalie didn't drive by the way, Jess did! The girls managed to "spice up our lives" for a while until we again got a bit bored so we went high heel shopping.
For Chris
The woman said "Six?" and Jess had to again clarify it was Six-TY. And it wasnt a voice box either, it was face to face. The shame, the shame. We drove down to the beach and gorged ourselves there, then the sun was sort of setting so we waited around on the beach for a bit before heading back!
Overall its been a lovely couple of days, and i've got an interview at Hindley Tesco tomorrow too! Somehow...i haven't APPLIED there. haha. But i AINT COMPLAININ. I enjoy spending time with these aforementioned people and it shalt happen more, i demand it!
Lots of love, sorry this blog was so so long!!!!!
Prepare for GC4 guys, you're gonna love it!!!!
Friday, September 19, 2008
They may just be neurotic, or possibly psychotic
Hello gentle viewer
I've added a new blog to my blog list at the side, its something my brother Brendan showed me of "Cake Disasters"...and it gave me the lols, a lot, so i thought i'd slap it on. Well done Brendan, well done!
Today has been another typical day in the life of this doley, sat around watching the Simpsons, coming on MSN for a bit, and for once tonight i have plans to LEAVE the house!!!! Its a big step for me! Going to a leavers style
Michaelas here
I've added a new blog to my blog list at the side, its something my brother Brendan showed me of "Cake Disasters"...and it gave me the lols, a lot, so i thought i'd slap it on. Well done Brendan, well done!
Today has been another typical day in the life of this doley, sat around watching the Simpsons, coming on MSN for a bit, and for once tonight i have plans to LEAVE the house!!!! Its a big step for me! Going to a leavers style
Michaelas here
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
You can't stop the beat
HARRO readers
Don't you just hate people who post too many myspace bulletins? Irrelevant ones too, with like "LOL" as the message. I know this is rich coming from me, but seriously, get lives. I really hate the pretentious myspace users, those like 15 year olds who think they have the weight of the world on their shoulders when their biggest problems are like someone signed their uniform card or nobody would go to caff with them, or their favourite crayons broke. I know i don't have much to whine about really, but seriously at least i KNOW i dont. Why were on the subject, i hate people our age who think they've got massive problems, one person i knew considered revising for ONE gcse resit in college a trauma, they shouldn't have failed the first time then should they! And what good is it complaining about 1 to a bunch of people who had to revise for 9-10 at once REALLY! And people who like, make up boyfriends and girlfriends to seem better. Grow Up.
i hate people. they're just crap
Well i like the good ones. You know who i DONT like? Debenhams
Me and Michaela gave our CV's in at the same time, both got forms to fill in, gave them in at the same time, yesterday, and they phone her asking her to go in for a training day! The CHEEK!!!! Anyway, i hope they phone me before the training day im desperate for the moneys!!!! I wish i'd gone to Greecey Greece now, it sounds like a right laugh
i sound really Victor Meldrew tonight, but oh well. This country is rubbish and all, i know i added that thing on facebook about loving britain but it was a lie! Fair enough if i lived in the stereotypical posh American version of britain it'd be ok, but i live in COMMONSVILLE! I want to move after Uni, definately. I've made my mind up.
There's not much really to say tonight, i'm not even in a bad mood or anything the worse thing thats happened to me today was losing my saved game memory on Super Mario 64. Its a hard knock life, truly. I went to Leigh yesterday to look for jobs and alas, not that much luck!
I have to continue my Doleing 2morrow, how commonsville. Ah well, im £50 better off and still no job!!!!!
Lots of Love
I mentioned you
Love you!
Don't you just hate people who post too many myspace bulletins? Irrelevant ones too, with like "LOL" as the message. I know this is rich coming from me, but seriously, get lives. I really hate the pretentious myspace users, those like 15 year olds who think they have the weight of the world on their shoulders when their biggest problems are like someone signed their uniform card or nobody would go to caff with them, or their favourite crayons broke. I know i don't have much to whine about really, but seriously at least i KNOW i dont. Why were on the subject, i hate people our age who think they've got massive problems, one person i knew considered revising for ONE gcse resit in college a trauma, they shouldn't have failed the first time then should they! And what good is it complaining about 1 to a bunch of people who had to revise for 9-10 at once REALLY! And people who like, make up boyfriends and girlfriends to seem better. Grow Up.
i hate people. they're just crap
Well i like the good ones. You know who i DONT like? Debenhams
Me and Michaela gave our CV's in at the same time, both got forms to fill in, gave them in at the same time, yesterday, and they phone her asking her to go in for a training day! The CHEEK!!!! Anyway, i hope they phone me before the training day im desperate for the moneys!!!! I wish i'd gone to Greecey Greece now, it sounds like a right laugh
i sound really Victor Meldrew tonight, but oh well. This country is rubbish and all, i know i added that thing on facebook about loving britain but it was a lie! Fair enough if i lived in the stereotypical posh American version of britain it'd be ok, but i live in COMMONSVILLE! I want to move after Uni, definately. I've made my mind up.
There's not much really to say tonight, i'm not even in a bad mood or anything the worse thing thats happened to me today was losing my saved game memory on Super Mario 64. Its a hard knock life, truly. I went to Leigh yesterday to look for jobs and alas, not that much luck!
I have to continue my Doleing 2morrow, how commonsville. Ah well, im £50 better off and still no job!!!!!
Lots of Love
I mentioned you
Love you!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Vickie Ashurst, we hardly knew ye

haha, im not this psycho really, i just liked the picture! But Buffy isn't the focus of tonight's blog, oh no. Here is the real star of the evening:

This blog does have a point, it is to honour this wonderful creation of God's, because today she spent her afternoon taking my absolute mess of a CV and re-doing it, really using her sick time from college well! She took a piece of crap and turned it into gold and for this i am forever grateful! Hopefully now I'll get a job, however Debenhams have been in touch with me and have asked me to fill in a form which seems to be their equivalent of an interview, so Vickie's work may go un-needed for the time being meaning she wasted her afternoon (and later evening when Michaela requested her CV writing surveys) so this blog should make up for it!!!!
I think we should all rise from our seats and give VA a well deserved round of applause, whether you know her for her filthy humour, her acting skills, her mosque-work, her bargain bucket (she worked at KFC), her CV writing skills, or her numerous amazing appearences in GC Videos! Keep up the good work at life, Ashurst, after all "C'est la vie" and you're certainly living it well!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Take a chance you stupid ho
Never have finer words been spoken....by Gwen Stefani at least
Hello blog readers!
I have some issues to bring up in tonights wonderful edition of "My Life", because I realised its not going that well at the minute! Dont get me wrong I have nothing to be moping around saying "i hate my life for" and thats not what i'm doing, but i'm so frustrated at the moment!!!!
How HARD can it be to get ONE job really!? I feel like i've applied everywhere in Wigan that are hiring, and even places that aren't hiring yet, and nobody has replied back at all yet! I've been giving CV's out since mid-August and some places probably have about 6 copies of my cv! I've changed what i've written in my cv several times, so i'm just wondering what it is about me thats so "unemployable". JJB managed to look past the faults, why can't anywhere else!!!!
It's a bit rubbish, I'm sure im not that bad, my grades are all decent and i have at least some experience in other works, SOMEWHERE must want *points* THIS. I've spent the day again sorting out bank forms, jobseeekers forms, and other stuff that has been mounting up. I say the day, it took about 30 minutes and i spent the rest of the day lazing around watching the Simpsons. You can tell its a low point when you're excited for your mum to get home with the shopping because she's bought Sun Lollies.
Anyway, it's no good ranting about lack of jobs, i need to throw myself at places, but not literally otherwise nowhere will ever hire me! One thing I have to look forward to, socially, is next Friday, which is probably the last of Frankies parties for quite some time, which is some shame! I enjoy seeing everyone and even though they dont seem to end well, ever, i was thinking today, I really do have fun at them!!!! And god love her for putting up with us all wrecking her garden and house!
Tomorrow brings work, at the JJB stadium and i know i've been complaining about lack of job, but i have this one where i work like every match day for 4 hours but most people have it as an "extra" job, some people even have it as a third job, and for me its all I got which isnt good! But i have a good laugh, i hope i'm working on that West stand again i'm really enjoying it!!!!! No offence Paul. Who am i kidding, you aren't reading this.
On another note, the Cockney Watchdogs have reformed recently which is giving me something to do in the daytime. If you aren't familiar with the Cockney Watchdogs, it's a thing me and my brother used to do just for fun, recording songs, for about 4-5 years, along with some other friends of mine and his. And now we've returned for CW5!!! And it's going well so far!!!!
I dont have much more to say tonight, other than, if anyone knows any local jobs going PLEASE get in touch with me!!!!
Lots of Love
Hello blog readers!
I have some issues to bring up in tonights wonderful edition of "My Life", because I realised its not going that well at the minute! Dont get me wrong I have nothing to be moping around saying "i hate my life for" and thats not what i'm doing, but i'm so frustrated at the moment!!!!
How HARD can it be to get ONE job really!? I feel like i've applied everywhere in Wigan that are hiring, and even places that aren't hiring yet, and nobody has replied back at all yet! I've been giving CV's out since mid-August and some places probably have about 6 copies of my cv! I've changed what i've written in my cv several times, so i'm just wondering what it is about me thats so "unemployable". JJB managed to look past the faults, why can't anywhere else!!!!
It's a bit rubbish, I'm sure im not that bad, my grades are all decent and i have at least some experience in other works, SOMEWHERE must want *points* THIS. I've spent the day again sorting out bank forms, jobseeekers forms, and other stuff that has been mounting up. I say the day, it took about 30 minutes and i spent the rest of the day lazing around watching the Simpsons. You can tell its a low point when you're excited for your mum to get home with the shopping because she's bought Sun Lollies.
Anyway, it's no good ranting about lack of jobs, i need to throw myself at places, but not literally otherwise nowhere will ever hire me! One thing I have to look forward to, socially, is next Friday, which is probably the last of Frankies parties for quite some time, which is some shame! I enjoy seeing everyone and even though they dont seem to end well, ever, i was thinking today, I really do have fun at them!!!! And god love her for putting up with us all wrecking her garden and house!
Tomorrow brings work, at the JJB stadium and i know i've been complaining about lack of job, but i have this one where i work like every match day for 4 hours but most people have it as an "extra" job, some people even have it as a third job, and for me its all I got which isnt good! But i have a good laugh, i hope i'm working on that West stand again i'm really enjoying it!!!!! No offence Paul. Who am i kidding, you aren't reading this.
On another note, the Cockney Watchdogs have reformed recently which is giving me something to do in the daytime. If you aren't familiar with the Cockney Watchdogs, it's a thing me and my brother used to do just for fun, recording songs, for about 4-5 years, along with some other friends of mine and his. And now we've returned for CW5!!! And it's going well so far!!!!
I dont have much more to say tonight, other than, if anyone knows any local jobs going PLEASE get in touch with me!!!!
Lots of Love
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The Poll...
I've stuck a poll on my blog, just for a bit of fun!!!
Its in reference to the Graphics Crew, those of you who know it vote away, those who dont just vote for the person who seems nicest!!!!
Also, sidenote, we aren't in a black hole. So yey!
And another sidenote, It's September the 11th, so lets all remember 2001 and keep those who lost loved ones in mind! (See i can be thoughtful and nice occassionally)
Lots of love
Its in reference to the Graphics Crew, those of you who know it vote away, those who dont just vote for the person who seems nicest!!!!
Also, sidenote, we aren't in a black hole. So yey!
And another sidenote, It's September the 11th, so lets all remember 2001 and keep those who lost loved ones in mind! (See i can be thoughtful and nice occassionally)
Lots of love
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Go Team O'leary!

Well its not that wild, but a good one nonetheless
As most of the 6 or 7 people who read my blog already have me on Myspace, Facebook or MSN, they'll know that the people pictured are Ayler O'leary, my amazing soon to be 4 year old nephew, and Nami (Elizabeth Grace) O'leary, my stunning niece who was born on Monday. Monday was a funny ol day, Akiyo (my sister in law) went into labour at 4:00, but didnt know properly till 8:00 haha, then Nami was born at 10:00. Efficient!!!
Well yesterday we went seeing her at home (she came home at like 3:00 the day after!) and she's like a little doll, and she looks just like the Squezzler when he was just born, except this time instead of having to take a 11 hour flight, 3 hour train journey and 20 minute walk, we only had to drive to Wigan to see her :D
The name "Nami" means both Summer and Wave in Japanese I've been told, my uncle managed to work out "Tsunami" which nobody else saw! And her initials spell "Nego", to which my dad shouted "NEGRO?". Classic O'leary humour. Anyway this was the event I mentioned in my last blog and it has now come to pass, and I'm a happy little toaster to say the least.
Other than that these last few days have been pretty standard, and just reading Laura Waterworths blog has made me realise that everyones leaving very soon and nothings going to be the same for at least a year!! GUTTED! I am gonna miss everyone, wherever I end up no doubt I'll walk into the canteen and expect to see Paul, Rachel and the others sat in the corner, Mark, Steph, Laura, Reece, Nikki, Alexis etc giving some evil glares to one of the other tables, and the array of people who we fitted into stereotypes because we couldn't be bothered making any effort to be friends with them. If anybody loses touch with me, I'll take someone hostage, and you can hold me to this. And the occasional comment on Myspace wont do, THOSE FRIENDSHIPS DON'T COUNT PEOPLE. Most of the time.
Anyway, Laura's blog got me looking back at the good times we've all had this past year, which was THE best year for friends I've ever had, no offence to all you people who werent there! I felt like i belonged in a circle finally, lol, even if they were usually massive raving queens, drunk ol sluts, pirates, bitches, or from Skem. But i wouldn't change any of them for the world, and they better damn know how much they mean to me!!!!
So i shall end this blog with a resolution, to cram as many of these people who made the first half of 2008 so memorable, into the second part, with or without their consent! Hold me to this!
Lots of love, keep on smiling!
And congratulations to Brendan and Akiyo :D
Monday, September 01, 2008
I miss Maude Flanders
I haven't blogged for a while, but i haven't really had much interesting to say! And still dont
Seriously not much is going on in the world of Nathan these days, and people who seem to keep saying "Get a job" to me are feeling my very stressed wrath! You can tell its not going to be a very productive month when i'm mourning a fictional character who didn't do much, and died in 2000. But as i would probably say in a drunken slur heaped over a bar to Laura Waterworth, "I LOVE HER, I MISS HER".
^ I wrote that a week ago, and saved it in drafts and when I looked it was still here, so lets leave it on!

Speaking of drunken slurs, last night me and Michaela went on the razz and met up with the usual Winstanley suspects, I'm going to miss them when the spread across the country like some kind of friendly, clever plague. *Why were on the subject of drunkness, I apologize to the several people i texted last night, i read my outbox this morning and was highly embarrased! It was all true though, to give me some credit!!!!*
I was happy to find out Mel's staying though, thats 1 of them that wont be able to get rid of me so easily!!!! It's going to be a tough week I think, purely because quite a few people will be preparing to go/ or actually going off, and thanks to my wonderful decisions and ability to screw up my choices, I'm sticking around for another year!!!! But quite a few of my closest friends are sticking around which is good news.
Chris and Natalie have been discussing houses recently, and day by day the idea is really growing on me a lot- I wish it could work out, and maybe it will!! If i, again, ever get a job, im panicking now because people seem to be doing well and finding stuff, and i'm still stuck behind signing on the dole! Wish me the best of luck :D I'm going to buck my ideas up!
I'll end on a few happy notes-
I have fallen in love. With the breakdown train "Toad" from Thomas the Tank Engine. Seriously. I don't know if its because i'm mentally breaking down, or because I'm spending more time with Ayler, but I find Toad very funny. Classic lines like "Begging your pardon Mr Oliver", he is my favourite character since Tara Maclay. And i've also realised i love Superintendant Charlmers!!!!!! The second happy note I'll most likely blog about when it comes to pass, and i've been informed it'll be Thursday at the latest!!!!

So, to sum up, things are average in Nathan's world
But average is better than depressing!!!!
Lots of love to you all!!!!!!
xxxx thanks for reading xxxx
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