So, back by "popular demand", here are some other things that people have done the last week to royally piss everyone off:
- Don't you FUCKING dare whistle for my attention again. I am neither a) a pet or b) a sexually appealing woman walking past a construction site
- "Can I have the most popular shoe you sell in the most popular size, 3 days before Christmas?" (note the lack of PLEASE AND THANKYOU). "No, sorry, we've sold out now"
Ok, I'm going to stop you there, "sweetheart", first off, ITS CHRISTMAS. It happens EVERY YEAR. It isn't a new, last minute event, that you had no idea about. And the reason your fat, ugly son wants these shoes is because EVERYBODY ELSE IS WEARING THEM. Surely, thats a clue that they're probably going to sell out! Why don't you ask Father Christmas for them and when he gives you the same fucking answer, throw a nervy B at him. Alternately, try your hand at some parenting, find out what your offspring want in advance, like everyone else, I'm sure you can put the crack pipe down for 5 minutes to talk to them - This is just one specific event, but a little girl brought a toy whistle in yesterday. And proceeded to whistle every 30 seconds, for roughly 45 minutes. She single handedly pissed every single staff member off, and obviously, being like, 3, didn't realise it. I'll tell you who could've done something- her parents. Her sulky, fucking parents. I don't blame the girl, she doesn't know what she's doing really- but if you let her blow that whistle again I'll ram it down your neglectful throats.
- The line "They're for my kids" isn't a trigger phrase to magically make shoes appear in the size you want, THEY STILL AREN'T HERE.
- "Have you got these in Blue, in a 6" "No, just the colours that are out", "Well they had them in _____". Yeah, everytime I go to Tesco, I do a "practice shop" first, decide what I want exactly, but then leave the shop and go to a different Tesco to buy the products. That's how shopping works, isn't it.
- Don't come into a shop I've worked in for some time, and TELL me what we sell. If i say "Sorry we don't sell those". WE DONT SELL THEM. I'm not some kind of Piss poor JD Grinch trying to ruin Christmas for your family.
- This is pretty much a given, but don't threaten to "come back for me if it's not there", after I've spent 20 minutes of my time on the phone to another shop, reserving a shoe for you.
- "Do you stock ______". "No sorry" "Well do Sports Direct?"
"Do you stock that new "The Saturdays" record, HMV?" "No sorry" "Well do CEX"
Unless you have a mental deficiancy, you should be aware that the world is not one big shop. There are many different ones, with different stock. Also, I'm not your bitch.
This is basically all I can think of now. But its pretty clear to see this Christmas has angered me somewhat. A sidenote would be that a decent 25% of the customers are very pleasant to serve, and understand the rules of social conduct. So to them, I thank you greatly, and merry Christmas.
And to every one else, Ho Ho Hang yourselves.