I wish I lived in Chester, it seems really nice. Hopefully I can move there next year for UNIVERSITY, when I eventually decide to go! One of these times I'll stick it out. Remember that time I went to Edge Hill? That was a YEAR ago. Seriously, it feels like 2 months, and I don't particularly have anything to show since I left. I do miss the gang though; and by that, I mean the 4 or 5 people I spoke to. Its weird how much can change in a year if you want it to, but if you're fairly lazy, how little can! That's a well boring story. Samantha Cairns was the best thing that Edge Hill provided me with.
A lot has happened to me since I last wrote; I won the lottery, bought a plane, moved house, married someone who is also rich, and adopted 3000 malawain babies. Why is EVERYONE leaving work? Like, everyone's going! It's not cool guys, get back and STAY BACK.
I think I'm in love with the 2 girls who auditioned for the X Factor last night, the one that decked the other one. If I was to go on the X Factor, that's EXACTLY how I'd audition. With less use of the word "random" and "ohMAHgod". But I'd also say "Who ARE you?" to a judge, and punch my partner in the face for ruining things. Oh, and tell the audience to shut up. What crowd pleasers those girls turned out to be. They both looked like they'd just been to a funeral buffet too, seriously, the pug faced one had crumbs down her top. Make an effort dear, its the X Factor, not Must be the Music.
I went to Southport the other day, to gain the experience of a jetboat once again, but sadly, Rebecca was too gay for speedboats so I just motor boated her instead. I got to drive. :) FOR ONCE.
Johanna's jumped ship to Uni now aswell. I'm going to miss seeing her all the time. Sad. :(
I think I need topics of discussion for these things now, so if anyone has any suggestions, tell me on facebook and I'll begin to mindlessly rant about them on here!
I'm a bit bored now, so I'm going
1 comment:
How have I only just read this? I'm mentioned and everything :). You don't slow roast a steak though, to be fair. Ha x
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