Well months. I'm a late bloomer when it comes to being social.
For my actual birthday day, which was Thursday, I went out with them families, except for Kieran and Joanne because they were somewhere down south, I can't remember where! But they went to some sort of zoo, I know that much. If you have parents that are over 50 and from the Wigan "borough", then you'll know how every parent reacts to a meal. I'm talking to you here Becky Spencer. "IT WER ALRIGHT, THE CHIPS WEREN'T WARM, THE STEAK WAS TOO WELL DONE, THOSE VEGETABLES WEREN'T GREEN ENOUGH.....BUT IT WER ALRIGHT". God love them. I also took a WILD trip to the opticians, and to Tesco, and to McDonalds, because I'm hard core like that. It was a good day, thanks to the families for it :D
Friday rolled up and i dolled myself up with ID to hit the wonderful town of Wigan! I had those "i hope people show up" nerves as you do, i was happy to see people waiting at Wallgate. The early birds, I can't be bothered naming people though. Except for surprise Paul who changes his plans more than he changes his underwear, he was supposed to be working
till half 10 and he turned up like 20 minutes earlier than me or something! But god love him for it, I'm glad he did! Went to the Tudor and met s'more peoples, thanks to the Gibbons and the Trisha who rolled up from Skem for half an hour to see us!!!! I now have a free ticket to go to Skem too, present ftw. The night went on and i continued to meet people and wave goodbye to others, then Luke went from Big Brother SHOCKER, and I got more drunk. It was overall a good night and thanks to everyone who came! I didn't see some people enough because we all split, but hopefully now I have ID i can see em out more!

I ramble a fair bit, don't I! Well it came to half 4 and everyone was pretty skint, even Paul was yawning! And after Kate had fallen, grabbing on to Lauras dress for support, and ripping it down revealing her knockers to the entire Lux dancefloor, it was for the best that we called it a night! Keegan (if you look at my photos, he's the one thats on every single photo!), Iain, Paul and Calum decided to walk home! WALK! And Ruth and Tom went in some taxi home, leaving me and Rach to end in the wigan tradition of us 2 travelling home together! She owes me £3.
Then the taxi driver started asking me about what I was doing at col
lege, and whether I had a job, and i remember thinking "its quarter to 5, do i really need this?". Then i slept, and didn't throw up!

Thanks to all who attended, here's a lovely picture:
Nat, Keegan, Me, Laura, Ruth and Rachel in the Cage at Jumpin Jaks!
Nat, Keegan, Me, Laura, Ruth and Rachel in the Cage at Jumpin Jaks!
And also to follow my celebrity tradition, I saw Warren off hollyoaks, then i saw Fletch off hollyoaks, then i saw Amy off hollyoaks, and then I'm sure i saw that new bouncer....off hollyoaks...I'm pretty sure they were filming
Thanks for reading!!!!!!
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