Yesterday i worked again and treated myself to some Michaela Halsall time swiftly followed by some Katie Corless time, both of which gave me some lols! But because I've slept since then, I can't fully remember what happened- I remember all the laughing though :D. Work was again hilarious, it was fairly empty but the people on my stand make me laugh!!!! It was fun fun fun! I also laughed at an 11 year old girl because a small boy did an impression of her. But it was FUNNY.
That's pretty much yesterday in a nutshell, and heres today for ya:

After the thrilling day, Natalie decided that we'd finally take up the offer of Bingo that was thrown out there a few weeks ago, so we headed off to Gala Bingo because her nan was there too! After MORE mcdonalds, (and we'd said goodbye to my mum and Ayler at this point too- and promised 2 return for our pool), we trotted on down and became members- YES MEMBERS- of Gala Bingo! We have member cards and everything, then we got send 2 the book buying counters where we met the legendary Debbie Lee, me and Natalie both decided she was our
hero from the bingo place, she guided us through what to do basically, and let me tell you after the games, if you're thinking of going to bingo it is about 300% MORE INTENSE THAN IT LOOKS! Honest to god you're heart races! And at one point i shouted "SKANK" at an old woman because i wasONE number off winning £100 hahah!!!! It was awful i could of punched her!

But the jackpot was like £735,400. No joke. You had 2 get a full house and it had 2 end on a five, BUT THE MONEY WAS STILL UP THERE and both me and natalie were on edge for the entire round! It was a lot of fun though!
So yeah, today has been brilliant basically and it felt like the first PROPER day of summer!!!!
Thanks for reading, lots of love
1 comment:
Hey! Not seen you in ages. Seems like you had a fun day. That pool sounds great. My problem would be that, at only £15, I might be tempted to stock-pile...
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