Woo! Today was immense again haha, but here's a VIDEO BLOG to tell you all:
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Boats, Beaches and Bingo
Wow, its been a busy two days ladies!!!!
Yesterday i worked again and treated myself to some Michaela Halsall time swiftly followed by some Katie Corless time, both of which gave me some lols! But because I've slept since then, I can't fully remember what happened- I remember all the laughing though :D. Work was again hilarious, it was fairly empty but the people on my stand make me laugh!!!! It was fun fun fun! I also laughed at an 11 year old girl because a small boy did an impression of her. But it was FUNNY.
That's pretty much yesterday in a nutshell, and heres today for ya:
Well it all began in the early hours of the morrow, because me, mum and ayler were going to Southport accompanied by a Corless sister. The Natalie one. The train was fun and Ayler seemed to like it, because "its rate like Thomas". Then we went into WOOLWORTHS and they had a MASSIVE pool for £15! FIFTEEN! so we may be returning 2 buy it haha. We slowly made our way to the beach, stopping at a shop, and then a carousel, which we rode upon "Pauline", and then went in an Arcade Shop where me and Natalie realised our serious gambling addictions! But it was only 2p's so it wasnt too bad, wait till we get on the heavy stuff! Then we went on a BOAT RIDE- and i drove, as can be seen to the left!!!! We got some classic videos, back to quality Graphics Crew entertainment! It was amazing! Then we met up with Mother and Ayler and played in the sand for a while, which resulted in a tragic sand fight. That i won.
After trying to top the boat highlights, we went back to the arcade heading for the train. We also aqcuired McDonalds. OH and we saw the Pleasure Beach at some point and it really has gone down hill- the "OH NOOO" guy's voice was still there but on a different ride, for anybody who experienced that last time. The highlight from my mum had to be "you used to call me Mama Joan, it makes me sound like a big black woman". And on those grabber machines, i put FIFTY PENCE in, and WON on my 2nd go! I won a "Come onnnnnn" teddy- seen to the right!!!
Yesterday i worked again and treated myself to some Michaela Halsall time swiftly followed by some Katie Corless time, both of which gave me some lols! But because I've slept since then, I can't fully remember what happened- I remember all the laughing though :D. Work was again hilarious, it was fairly empty but the people on my stand make me laugh!!!! It was fun fun fun! I also laughed at an 11 year old girl because a small boy did an impression of her. But it was FUNNY.
That's pretty much yesterday in a nutshell, and heres today for ya:

After the thrilling day, Natalie decided that we'd finally take up the offer of Bingo that was thrown out there a few weeks ago, so we headed off to Gala Bingo because her nan was there too! After MORE mcdonalds, (and we'd said goodbye to my mum and Ayler at this point too- and promised 2 return for our pool), we trotted on down and became members- YES MEMBERS- of Gala Bingo! We have member cards and everything, then we got send 2 the book buying counters where we met the legendary Debbie Lee, me and Natalie both decided she was our
hero from the bingo place, she guided us through what to do basically, and let me tell you after the games, if you're thinking of going to bingo it is about 300% MORE INTENSE THAN IT LOOKS! Honest to god you're heart races! And at one point i shouted "SKANK" at an old woman because i wasONE number off winning £100 hahah!!!! It was awful i could of punched her!

But the jackpot was like £735,400. No joke. You had 2 get a full house and it had 2 end on a five, BUT THE MONEY WAS STILL UP THERE and both me and natalie were on edge for the entire round! It was a lot of fun though!
So yeah, today has been brilliant basically and it felt like the first PROPER day of summer!!!!
Thanks for reading, lots of love
Sunday, August 24, 2008
We'll have our own party! EVERY SIMPSON DANCE NOW
Hi lads and ladettes. Im off to work in 15 minutes so i'll save this in't drafts and carry on when i get home! I'll talk about the wonders that were yesterday first:
Natalie's stomach was on the fritz so she couldn't come to Manchester, leaving just me and Laura Gilligan Gill, who'd never been before! She doesn't leave Haydock much. So we went and Buffy'd it up after a wonderful train ride, things that amazed her were "cows", "houses", and "other trains". God love her! And we went on the MASSIVE wheel in manchester to see the wonderful sights and Laura stressed out because she thought we only went round once! IS THIS IT? SIX FIFTY? IS THIS IT? Haha
Got to straighten my hair now actually, so this story will continue after work! Good day :D
And he's back!!!!
Well Manchester was funny funny fun fun, me and Laura waltzed around the streets waiting for that gay parade to start and then Gary texted me about something and we assumed he'd be there too lol, and he was, so we met up with him and Craig and watched all the wonderful people strut around. Everyone seemed to be involved, from the fire people, to ambulance people to the police, and Laura said "god all the emergencies love the gays" or something to that extent! After a while we decided to go for some food (well i did haha) and we bid farewell to the drag kings and queens of Manchester, and we went shopping for a while!
Laura bought a top for her boyfriend and then we decided 2 go to that science museum in Deansgate for some reason, so we ended up there but it was closed so we wer walking around Deansgate for like 30 minutes trying to find the train station! But we saw lovely pictures of horses on the way.
And that was MY DAY!!!!!
Today all i did was go to work, and for some reason I got put on a completely different stand but i got there and the people were dead nice, and funny, so it was ok! We had a lorra lorra laughs, as our Cilla would say. I got a £50 note aswell, which made me like King of the stadium! Now im watching Angel and trying to get the feeling back into my arms, because Ayler is a HEAVY CHILD
Lots of Love!
Natalie's stomach was on the fritz so she couldn't come to Manchester, leaving just me and Laura Gilligan Gill, who'd never been before! She doesn't leave Haydock much. So we went and Buffy'd it up after a wonderful train ride, things that amazed her were "cows", "houses", and "other trains". God love her! And we went on the MASSIVE wheel in manchester to see the wonderful sights and Laura stressed out because she thought we only went round once! IS THIS IT? SIX FIFTY? IS THIS IT? Haha
Got to straighten my hair now actually, so this story will continue after work! Good day :D
And he's back!!!!
Well Manchester was funny funny fun fun, me and Laura waltzed around the streets waiting for that gay parade to start and then Gary texted me about something and we assumed he'd be there too lol, and he was, so we met up with him and Craig and watched all the wonderful people strut around. Everyone seemed to be involved, from the fire people, to ambulance people to the police, and Laura said "god all the emergencies love the gays" or something to that extent! After a while we decided to go for some food (well i did haha) and we bid farewell to the drag kings and queens of Manchester, and we went shopping for a while!
Laura bought a top for her boyfriend and then we decided 2 go to that science museum in Deansgate for some reason, so we ended up there but it was closed so we wer walking around Deansgate for like 30 minutes trying to find the train station! But we saw lovely pictures of horses on the way.
And that was MY DAY!!!!!
Today all i did was go to work, and for some reason I got put on a completely different stand but i got there and the people were dead nice, and funny, so it was ok! We had a lorra lorra laughs, as our Cilla would say. I got a £50 note aswell, which made me like King of the stadium! Now im watching Angel and trying to get the feeling back into my arms, because Ayler is a HEAVY CHILD
Lots of Love!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Sickest TV Moment Ever...
Well i'll start by explaining my name! Just seen the clip of Jade Goody finding out she has cancer on Indian Big Brother- which is highly highly ironic after the race rows- and it really is awful! How they could ever show that on Live Tv is beyond me, nobody should have 2 have their reaction to finding out they have cancer publicised on TV, i felt so sorry for her! I really like Jade Goody aswell, she didn't deserve that, nobody would!
On a more cheery tone, i went back to work today for the first time in aaaages, and they give me a new Tshirt! Woo! I'm part of the JJB CRUW now haha. I like the people on my stand, they're funny, and i feel more settled now! Working with Paul is amazing too, its like working with an incompetant uncle- but BETTER. Anyway, i forgot how to work a till but then remembered so it was ok, but not really much more happened today! It was good gettin a lift home off Karen, coz i got to see Emma and Laura who i haven't seen for ages and I found out what's moving and shaking in the world of Hindley ASC swimming club!!!!
Not much more to add 2day really, sweet dreams everyone!
On a more cheery tone, i went back to work today for the first time in aaaages, and they give me a new Tshirt! Woo! I'm part of the JJB CRUW now haha. I like the people on my stand, they're funny, and i feel more settled now! Working with Paul is amazing too, its like working with an incompetant uncle- but BETTER. Anyway, i forgot how to work a till but then remembered so it was ok, but not really much more happened today! It was good gettin a lift home off Karen, coz i got to see Emma and Laura who i haven't seen for ages and I found out what's moving and shaking in the world of Hindley ASC swimming club!!!!
Not much more to add 2day really, sweet dreams everyone!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Giving my blog a purpose!
Well up until now it's just been me mindlessly drabbling down my feelings about the day, or previous few days, but now, ladies and gentlemen (and Natalie), this blog has a PURPOSE! And it's all thanks to that young BOMBSHELL that i call Natalie Corless!
As i said in my previous blog, today was our Sex and the City themed luncheon, but in true classy style both of us only managed to get up at about half 12 (we're not a couple lol different houses). So we decided to change the plans to tea, so young Jessica Howell could make it without us royally destroying her daytime plans. So because she's AMAZING again, she picked me up and after a humorous "debate" about where to park, we went where my mum goes lol.
And then we met Jess, who had bought a top that didn't fit her or something, i wasn't listening BUT LETS FACE IT SHE ISNT GOING TO READ THIS. And she wanted to go to Bruce Forsythe's cafe or whatever it was called. But it was closed, so we went to "Little 15" (my choice). And whilst ordering our food, Natalie came up with a suggestion that we should make it a monthly resolution for the three of us to do lunch somewhere, and from that we decided that we'd go around trying different places and rating them, like proper hardcore food critics.
So this is where blog purpose comes in, every month (or 2 weeks as it seems to be now :D) the three of us through the guise of me typing, will forward our thoughts and a score on different eateries in the area- just incase u fancy going there but think "hang on, I dont know how nathan, natalie and jess feel about it"
So Little 15 is a small pub across the road from Baa Bar and the Post Office in Wigan:
Food- 6/10- We ordered Nacho's with Cheese, Natalie had soup SHOCK, and Me and Jess shared chicken strips and garlic bread. Jess said the garlic bread was too dry, I said it tasted like church. The soup was good though according to Natalie, and the chicken didn't really have anything wrong with it!
Atmosphere- 7/10- The place itself is dead nice, it looks classy and we sat in this little booth thing that we later found out was the "love booth" but OH WELL. Apart from the few odd socks at the bar who looked more like they belonged behind the table at a car boot sale. But it wer nice.
Staff- 9/10- The barman was a bit chavvy but what can you do. They brought us food, and corrected themselves when they brought Garlic Bread with cheese. So good on em
Price- 8/10- It came to about a fiver for 3 drinks (we wer ont coke lol), and overall for the food it came to £14.95. So about a fiver each, for those of you who cant do 15/3. There's no divide button on a keybord, i've only just noticed. Which is fairly acceptable considering we wer full at the end of it all!
Place- 10/10. Slap bang in the middle of wigan, not too far to travel if you're from Wigan!
So overall it gets a 40/50, which comes to 80%. So well done Little 15, we three reccomend it to anyone who wants to stop somewhere for a little bit of class but don't want to travel outside of the Wallgate area.
So yeah, look forward to this every month. It's like my blogs period, but based on food rather than some sort of life cycle.
Love you all
As i said in my previous blog, today was our Sex and the City themed luncheon, but in true classy style both of us only managed to get up at about half 12 (we're not a couple lol different houses). So we decided to change the plans to tea, so young Jessica Howell could make it without us royally destroying her daytime plans. So because she's AMAZING again, she picked me up and after a humorous "debate" about where to park, we went where my mum goes lol.
And then we met Jess, who had bought a top that didn't fit her or something, i wasn't listening BUT LETS FACE IT SHE ISNT GOING TO READ THIS. And she wanted to go to Bruce Forsythe's cafe or whatever it was called. But it was closed, so we went to "Little 15" (my choice). And whilst ordering our food, Natalie came up with a suggestion that we should make it a monthly resolution for the three of us to do lunch somewhere, and from that we decided that we'd go around trying different places and rating them, like proper hardcore food critics.
So this is where blog purpose comes in, every month (or 2 weeks as it seems to be now :D) the three of us through the guise of me typing, will forward our thoughts and a score on different eateries in the area- just incase u fancy going there but think "hang on, I dont know how nathan, natalie and jess feel about it"
So Little 15 is a small pub across the road from Baa Bar and the Post Office in Wigan:
Food- 6/10- We ordered Nacho's with Cheese, Natalie had soup SHOCK, and Me and Jess shared chicken strips and garlic bread. Jess said the garlic bread was too dry, I said it tasted like church. The soup was good though according to Natalie, and the chicken didn't really have anything wrong with it!
Atmosphere- 7/10- The place itself is dead nice, it looks classy and we sat in this little booth thing that we later found out was the "love booth" but OH WELL. Apart from the few odd socks at the bar who looked more like they belonged behind the table at a car boot sale. But it wer nice.
Staff- 9/10- The barman was a bit chavvy but what can you do. They brought us food, and corrected themselves when they brought Garlic Bread with cheese. So good on em
Price- 8/10- It came to about a fiver for 3 drinks (we wer ont coke lol), and overall for the food it came to £14.95. So about a fiver each, for those of you who cant do 15/3. There's no divide button on a keybord, i've only just noticed. Which is fairly acceptable considering we wer full at the end of it all!
Place- 10/10. Slap bang in the middle of wigan, not too far to travel if you're from Wigan!
So overall it gets a 40/50, which comes to 80%. So well done Little 15, we three reccomend it to anyone who wants to stop somewhere for a little bit of class but don't want to travel outside of the Wallgate area.
So yeah, look forward to this every month. It's like my blogs period, but based on food rather than some sort of life cycle.
Love you all
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
I think you have too many shoes.....STUPID BOY
These Shoes Rule....These Shoes SUCK!
I remember why i love Kelly Shoes, the love went away for quite some time, but lets face it lads it's back with a vengeance!!!!
Today brought surprise Michaela back into my life, after a week away! She trekked down to Wales or something, but she's back in Wigan woo! So we decided to celebrate by trying to get me a job. I managed to come home having applied to 5 different places though so hopefully I'm going to get an actual job soon- I really hope so! Oh, and if you know me, you know how I enjoy Buffy and Angel comics...and hopefully you'll have accepted that part of me. Well I have to trek to Manchester at least once a month if not more, and it ends up costing more than i expect (I do enjoy going though haha). But today, for some reason, me and Mikki went into the Carpet Warehouse type shop that the old comic shop used to be in but moved like 3 years ago. Well we walked around and in the corner there's like FIVE SHELVES of comics, INCLUDING buffy and angel! And although they're like last months, THEY'VE BEEN IN WIGAN ALL THIS TIME! WHAT THE HELL!!!
It made us lololol, and then I had a nice sandwich from Subway. And i bought "The Terminal", just because I can, and i decided that despite everyone saying its terrible to me, that i will enjoy it! It was on on the plane to Japan, but it followed "Jersey Girl" so i think i'd fallen to sleep. I just had a sudden urge to want to get back on a plane for ages, don't know why!.
I watched the Ayler tonight aswell, so its been a fun packed evening of such Thomas Stories as "Rheneas and the Rollercoaster", "James and the Queen of Sodor", and "Not so hasty puddings". But i have fallen in love with the character of Toad, he makes me laugh! And Harvey looks like Phil Jupitus!
Tomorrow sees me having a "Sex and the City" themed lunch with Jess and Natalie, although there were blatantly 4 SATC girls. Yes. I saw it at the cinema. IT WAS GOOD
Lots of love!
I remember why i love Kelly Shoes, the love went away for quite some time, but lets face it lads it's back with a vengeance!!!!
Today brought surprise Michaela back into my life, after a week away! She trekked down to Wales or something, but she's back in Wigan woo! So we decided to celebrate by trying to get me a job. I managed to come home having applied to 5 different places though so hopefully I'm going to get an actual job soon- I really hope so! Oh, and if you know me, you know how I enjoy Buffy and Angel comics...and hopefully you'll have accepted that part of me. Well I have to trek to Manchester at least once a month if not more, and it ends up costing more than i expect (I do enjoy going though haha). But today, for some reason, me and Mikki went into the Carpet Warehouse type shop that the old comic shop used to be in but moved like 3 years ago. Well we walked around and in the corner there's like FIVE SHELVES of comics, INCLUDING buffy and angel! And although they're like last months, THEY'VE BEEN IN WIGAN ALL THIS TIME! WHAT THE HELL!!!
It made us lololol, and then I had a nice sandwich from Subway. And i bought "The Terminal", just because I can, and i decided that despite everyone saying its terrible to me, that i will enjoy it! It was on on the plane to Japan, but it followed "Jersey Girl" so i think i'd fallen to sleep. I just had a sudden urge to want to get back on a plane for ages, don't know why!.
I watched the Ayler tonight aswell, so its been a fun packed evening of such Thomas Stories as "Rheneas and the Rollercoaster", "James and the Queen of Sodor", and "Not so hasty puddings". But i have fallen in love with the character of Toad, he makes me laugh! And Harvey looks like Phil Jupitus!
Tomorrow sees me having a "Sex and the City" themed lunch with Jess and Natalie, although there were blatantly 4 SATC girls. Yes. I saw it at the cinema. IT WAS GOOD
Lots of love!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Special Guest Star: Natalie Corless as Herself
Edward Scissorhands. Natalie Corless. Brioche. A NIGHT IN.
A Word From Our Sponsors:
I don't want to do this. I can't spell. I'm not that funny. So I will hand you back over to the man himself Nathan Paul Francis Oleary to talk about Pork and Beans.
And back to me:
Well today has been a barrel of nothing, daytime wise. I avoided an unneccesary trip to Wigan, because the job center are liars and THEY KNOW IT. Thanks to Becky Spencer and Kyle who warned me and saved me MONEYZ. I CANT get jobseekers, SO DONT TELL ME I CAN ON THE PHONE. Then i went driving and i was rate good today. Except for when i stalled at the end a little bit. And nearlly hit a child, but whats new!?
Then Corless Sr. came round and we had some laughs, watching such shows as Angel, and Edward Scissorhands (which is a film). Then we heard ASDA just screaming our names, and Natalie decided she hadn't embarrased herself in public for too long, so an elaborate "plan" to destroy an entire shelf, then choke on a donut, came about. SILLY GIRL....anyway, her near death experience got us thinking- we want a list of things to do in our friendship time! So we'll put some stuff on that we've already done, to make us seem better!
And here is said list:
Choke on Food in a Public Place
Watch the Rocky Horror Show, as a musical
Go on Holiday in England
Go on Holiday abroad
Camp in a rainy forest
Go to a Lock-In and stay there till morning
See a live comedian
Befriend someone of a different race, not Japanese
Befriend a Celebrity- or just meet one- a good one
Get a coke can shaped glass from McDonalds
Get HIGH (thanks for chipping in Natalie)
Join a Cult
Create our own religion
Get at least 1 graphics crew video to acceptable fame
Appear in the music video for "Pork and Beans"
Dress up as a scene kid and try to "fit in" at the marble
Have a Graphics crew reunion video, 10 years on! Hosted by Justin Lee Collins
If we think of anymore i'm sure i'll fill you all in. BUT for now, thats it, the ones in bold we have achieved by the way and whenever we tick something off the list, we'll let you know!!!!!!!
NOW, Pork and Beans. Watch that video. Its the best music video, EVER, EVER, made, and the Graphics Crew should of been acknowledged! But fear not, we will be- what the hell has Tay Zonday done that we haven't?
A Word From Our Sponsors:
I don't want to do this. I can't spell. I'm not that funny. So I will hand you back over to the man himself Nathan Paul Francis Oleary to talk about Pork and Beans.
And back to me:
Well today has been a barrel of nothing, daytime wise. I avoided an unneccesary trip to Wigan, because the job center are liars and THEY KNOW IT. Thanks to Becky Spencer and Kyle who warned me and saved me MONEYZ. I CANT get jobseekers, SO DONT TELL ME I CAN ON THE PHONE. Then i went driving and i was rate good today. Except for when i stalled at the end a little bit. And nearlly hit a child, but whats new!?
Then Corless Sr. came round and we had some laughs, watching such shows as Angel, and Edward Scissorhands (which is a film). Then we heard ASDA just screaming our names, and Natalie decided she hadn't embarrased herself in public for too long, so an elaborate "plan" to destroy an entire shelf, then choke on a donut, came about. SILLY GIRL....anyway, her near death experience got us thinking- we want a list of things to do in our friendship time! So we'll put some stuff on that we've already done, to make us seem better!
And here is said list:
Choke on Food in a Public Place
Watch the Rocky Horror Show, as a musical
Go on Holiday in England
Go on Holiday abroad
Camp in a rainy forest
Go to a Lock-In and stay there till morning
See a live comedian
Befriend someone of a different race, not Japanese
Befriend a Celebrity- or just meet one- a good one
Get a coke can shaped glass from McDonalds
Get HIGH (thanks for chipping in Natalie)
Join a Cult
Create our own religion
Get at least 1 graphics crew video to acceptable fame
Appear in the music video for "Pork and Beans"
Dress up as a scene kid and try to "fit in" at the marble
Have a Graphics crew reunion video, 10 years on! Hosted by Justin Lee Collins
If we think of anymore i'm sure i'll fill you all in. BUT for now, thats it, the ones in bold we have achieved by the way and whenever we tick something off the list, we'll let you know!!!!!!!
NOW, Pork and Beans. Watch that video. Its the best music video, EVER, EVER, made, and the Graphics Crew should of been acknowledged! But fear not, we will be- what the hell has Tay Zonday done that we haven't?
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Its raining men! Oh wait...its just rain...
This is a bit of an odd one, considering i should be at a rate good knees up right now but it was tragically cut short by Motherf***ing mother nature. So big big apologies to Natalie, but you saw the state i was in visually and mentally, there was no way I would of been any fun at all 2night.
Well today was the usual, recovery from last night and looking for vans with my dad for some reason. Sidenote, I never said that when I got in at 3;30 or whenever on Thursday night, the perfect drunk tv was on: The Making of John Barrowman, where the Barrowman minced around the country trying to find out why he was a back door Deidre. QUALITY SHOWS.
Well I got fairly annoyed with 2 close friends 2night, and even though i was defending another close friend i pretty much got involved when it wasn't neccessary, so to those 2 i apologize, but you do have to meet me half way on that one. So that put me in a shabby mood, so I rolled up being boring as hell at Jen's, i barely made conversation so sorry to everyone there! But it was a good party Jen, and i have to give a very big thankyou to Laura and Calum for walking me in the horrible horrible weather to the bus stop, and Myke who offered to aswell lol, I do appreciate it a lot. I was waiting for a bus in the weather and it is AWFUL, and i mean AWFUL, i was drenched when i got to the stop, and it took 20 minutes 2 show up! I dried off a bit on the chav infested "peasant wagon" as Gary would put it, and rolled up 30 minutes later in Wigan to a party of no-one, so i went to Bentleys. Met the birthday boy Natalie, and i was absoultely soaking and looked terrible, not in a vain way in a "they shouldnt even let me in" way. And some people apparantly can't keep promises too, but i'm sure i'll get over it.
I walked to the cash point with Natalie and i just realised how tragic i looked, and i felt like crap aswell, so it was really time to call it a night. At like 10:00. I know. So i got a cheeseburger to clog/cheer me up, and waited for a taxi, and missed about 4 coz of other people. But then LO AND BEHOLD i get in to a taxi with the same one from LAST night! I haven't blogged about last night, went out and it was good but we didnt have enough money for the taxi but they guy let us in and took me to platt bridge for nothing, what a legend. It was him again! So it was like FATE, he's taken us home before aswell, he's amazing. So i gave him a few quid for takin me last night, and rolled on home looking like some kind of Otter.
2 Words to describe last night:
Well today was the usual, recovery from last night and looking for vans with my dad for some reason. Sidenote, I never said that when I got in at 3;30 or whenever on Thursday night, the perfect drunk tv was on: The Making of John Barrowman, where the Barrowman minced around the country trying to find out why he was a back door Deidre. QUALITY SHOWS.
Well I got fairly annoyed with 2 close friends 2night, and even though i was defending another close friend i pretty much got involved when it wasn't neccessary, so to those 2 i apologize, but you do have to meet me half way on that one. So that put me in a shabby mood, so I rolled up being boring as hell at Jen's, i barely made conversation so sorry to everyone there! But it was a good party Jen, and i have to give a very big thankyou to Laura and Calum for walking me in the horrible horrible weather to the bus stop, and Myke who offered to aswell lol, I do appreciate it a lot. I was waiting for a bus in the weather and it is AWFUL, and i mean AWFUL, i was drenched when i got to the stop, and it took 20 minutes 2 show up! I dried off a bit on the chav infested "peasant wagon" as Gary would put it, and rolled up 30 minutes later in Wigan to a party of no-one, so i went to Bentleys. Met the birthday boy Natalie, and i was absoultely soaking and looked terrible, not in a vain way in a "they shouldnt even let me in" way. And some people apparantly can't keep promises too, but i'm sure i'll get over it.
I walked to the cash point with Natalie and i just realised how tragic i looked, and i felt like crap aswell, so it was really time to call it a night. At like 10:00. I know. So i got a cheeseburger to clog/cheer me up, and waited for a taxi, and missed about 4 coz of other people. But then LO AND BEHOLD i get in to a taxi with the same one from LAST night! I haven't blogged about last night, went out and it was good but we didnt have enough money for the taxi but they guy let us in and took me to platt bridge for nothing, what a legend. It was him again! So it was like FATE, he's taken us home before aswell, he's amazing. So i gave him a few quid for takin me last night, and rolled on home looking like some kind of Otter.
2 Words to describe last night:
So apologies again to Natalie and the others, but in a non sympathy getting way it probably will be more fun without me! Until tomorrow, its goodnight from me, and it's goodnight from him!!!
Thanks for reading
xxx Lots of Love xxx
Friday, August 15, 2008
Liquid Lunch
Woo! The "big party week" is half way through lads, 3 down 3 to go, and 1 missed! Last night was A Level Result part-ae night in the Wiggles, and it's safe to say everyone and their mums were out!
It was a mixed bag of emotions all round, but I enjoyed myself merrily! Met the some of the Winstanley folks/Nerdover people in the tudor for a bit, it was nice to see them all again! I see the winstanley people less and less and with them scattering over the country I doubt its going to get better before it gets worse. Revolution Bar or whatever name it goes by wasn't all people make it seem, not "my cup of tea" lol. But it was ok- i wouldn't buy drinks because i was limiting myself for a while, and im NOT MADE OF MONEY. Like £2.80 or something for a bottle of Smirnoff, I'm not the KING. Anyway, it was funny watching some people making complete idiots of themselves, they probably don't know who i mean though, they are quite self centered.
Somehow on the way up to Liquid thanks to Jess we ended up in Jaks, and YES JESS I AM GOING TO BLAME YOU. It was alright though, saw some faces that i enjoy! And a few people had headed there already too so we followed the crowd, but its safe to say the foam party at Liquid was better better better! I think Liquid might be my favourite place now haha, and if you knew me 3 years ago or so you probably wouldn't expect it to be! Coz CAF WUZ BEST PLACE IN WORLD. Me and Becky Spencer were thinking, this time last year on the AS results day- we went to caff. Someone should of told us to get a grip, seriously. Nearlly 18 she was, (i was 17 though so its hardly better). But we had some fun times there!
Moving on, Liquid was funny, i missed the wonderful feeling of having foam covering your nose and mouth so you cant breathe and your eyes so you cant see. And we saw that girl who married Chris Holding in that play, the lucky devil! Haha. Loads of people were hanging around, it was good to see everyone again!
I'm pretty much just babbling now and i can't think of much to say, so I just want to say I hope the people who were feeling a bit down last night have managed to sort things out and are good again! Keep smiling :D
Lots of love
It was a mixed bag of emotions all round, but I enjoyed myself merrily! Met the some of the Winstanley folks/Nerdover people in the tudor for a bit, it was nice to see them all again! I see the winstanley people less and less and with them scattering over the country I doubt its going to get better before it gets worse. Revolution Bar or whatever name it goes by wasn't all people make it seem, not "my cup of tea" lol. But it was ok- i wouldn't buy drinks because i was limiting myself for a while, and im NOT MADE OF MONEY. Like £2.80 or something for a bottle of Smirnoff, I'm not the KING. Anyway, it was funny watching some people making complete idiots of themselves, they probably don't know who i mean though, they are quite self centered.
Somehow on the way up to Liquid thanks to Jess we ended up in Jaks, and YES JESS I AM GOING TO BLAME YOU. It was alright though, saw some faces that i enjoy! And a few people had headed there already too so we followed the crowd, but its safe to say the foam party at Liquid was better better better! I think Liquid might be my favourite place now haha, and if you knew me 3 years ago or so you probably wouldn't expect it to be! Coz CAF WUZ BEST PLACE IN WORLD. Me and Becky Spencer were thinking, this time last year on the AS results day- we went to caff. Someone should of told us to get a grip, seriously. Nearlly 18 she was, (i was 17 though so its hardly better). But we had some fun times there!
Moving on, Liquid was funny, i missed the wonderful feeling of having foam covering your nose and mouth so you cant breathe and your eyes so you cant see. And we saw that girl who married Chris Holding in that play, the lucky devil! Haha. Loads of people were hanging around, it was good to see everyone again!
I'm pretty much just babbling now and i can't think of much to say, so I just want to say I hope the people who were feeling a bit down last night have managed to sort things out and are good again! Keep smiling :D
Lots of love
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Holla, I'm Opera Winfrey
Well today was results day kids, and the morning consisted of Me, Keegan and the Reece waiting around for silly trains, then meeting Rach and finally Natalie then being BOMBARDED by faces of months past in the college hallways! The queueing was stupid, it was like queueing for a ride...but at the end you don't have fun. I got a B in English Language, a C in Media and a D in Graphics, i'm happy with all 3 of those! I want to say congratulations to Vicky Ingham who got 5 A's and is swanning off to Oxford! Even though her knowledge of "Rockology" or whatever its called doesn't come in handy at the pub quiz, I know I'll miss her lots! Also welldone to Myke who got 4 A's, and anybody else who did well!!!! GIVE YOURSELVES ALL A PAT ON THE BACK, as my primary school teachers would say. Oh, and well done to Amy- who didn't do any A Levels, or even GCSE's- but well done for life. Lol.
I had fun in college, makes me wish we weren't leaving again! I'd pretty much just gotten over you all and you all come roaming back in! It was good to catch up with the likes of Alexis and Claire, and Alexis still has my exam results- oops! And Laura Waterworth still makes me lololol with her open cleavage and general bussing around.
I got a U in my actual Graphics Exam, OOPS, but it's because my sketchbook work was awful- i wrote the brief in the last 10 minutes of handing the work in. In a felt tip. But the other work boosted it to a D and i was predicted an E, so I'm happy as Larry. Whoever he is! We should of given in the Graphics Crew Videos to be honest, guaranteed an A!
I'm going to go and doll up for the celebrations 2night, hopefully i'll see a lot of you out! I haven't explained the name of this post have I? Well Kirsty on the bus was trying to work out the name of the 4th Mutant Turtle, and Claire kept saying there were 5, until Kirsty's violent "THERE WERE FOUR TURTLES AND A RAT" outbreak! You learn a lot about people. Lol
Thanks for reading, well done or better luck next time depending on your results, and keep happy!
Lots of Love
Well today was results day kids, and the morning consisted of Me, Keegan and the Reece waiting around for silly trains, then meeting Rach and finally Natalie then being BOMBARDED by faces of months past in the college hallways! The queueing was stupid, it was like queueing for a ride...but at the end you don't have fun. I got a B in English Language, a C in Media and a D in Graphics, i'm happy with all 3 of those! I want to say congratulations to Vicky Ingham who got 5 A's and is swanning off to Oxford! Even though her knowledge of "Rockology" or whatever its called doesn't come in handy at the pub quiz, I know I'll miss her lots! Also welldone to Myke who got 4 A's, and anybody else who did well!!!! GIVE YOURSELVES ALL A PAT ON THE BACK, as my primary school teachers would say. Oh, and well done to Amy- who didn't do any A Levels, or even GCSE's- but well done for life. Lol.
I had fun in college, makes me wish we weren't leaving again! I'd pretty much just gotten over you all and you all come roaming back in! It was good to catch up with the likes of Alexis and Claire, and Alexis still has my exam results- oops! And Laura Waterworth still makes me lololol with her open cleavage and general bussing around.
I got a U in my actual Graphics Exam, OOPS, but it's because my sketchbook work was awful- i wrote the brief in the last 10 minutes of handing the work in. In a felt tip. But the other work boosted it to a D and i was predicted an E, so I'm happy as Larry. Whoever he is! We should of given in the Graphics Crew Videos to be honest, guaranteed an A!
I'm going to go and doll up for the celebrations 2night, hopefully i'll see a lot of you out! I haven't explained the name of this post have I? Well Kirsty on the bus was trying to work out the name of the 4th Mutant Turtle, and Claire kept saying there were 5, until Kirsty's violent "THERE WERE FOUR TURTLES AND A RAT" outbreak! You learn a lot about people. Lol
Thanks for reading, well done or better luck next time depending on your results, and keep happy!
Lots of Love
Monday, August 11, 2008
Groove Is In The Heart
What an "interesting" couple of days it hasn't really been! First things first I'm getting Jobseekers allowance possibly, although Becky Spencer's told me its a shameful shameful lie and they'll reject me at the last minute- like most people do. Lol. Only joking, I am great. But the guy i phoned to claim asked me my age, then asked me was I married or had children under 20- I'm not 20, adapt the questions a bit Neil mate. His name was Neil- and he was nice- he asked me about JJB stadium and whether I'd met someone I've never before heard of, but i did the false laugh go along with it type thing because lets face it, he could be involved in the receiving of money for my good self. He told me about a job going aswell and I phoned and gave in a CV but they said it'd be 2 weeks before the woman got back off holiday- THE CHEEK OF IT!!!! Hope i get it though :D
Speaking of work, I haven't been to the stadium for about 4 weeks, things keep cropping up! Oops. Anyway lets all cross our fingers for me!
Yesterday was young Miss Corless' birthday, and here's my shout out to Julie and Eric who are just brilliant, they really should of taken some of my money! It was funny seeing NatALIE's face when she rolled up even if the youngest Spencer sister BALLSED EVERYTHING UP. Only joking of course, it all went well (Natalie didn't know we were going to be there, she thought it was just her family). We could write a sitcom about Natalie's mum Julie and Chris, the conversations were amazing. It was like handbags at dawn all evening! Brilliant! The meal was lovely too, and I liked all of Natalie's grandparents. I enjoyed the parts where Katie said things like "GRANDAD HOW DID YOU GET SO COOL" and "PUNCH HIM NAN". And a shout out to Jessica Howell for Tescoing it up and collecting me and the Chris.

Today was alright too, I spent some quality Weesle time. With Ayler (aka Weesle- i sometimes forget i haven't told people who Weesle is). Surreal moment of the day- playing in the playroom area at this "Fun House Factory World House" or whatever the hell it was called next to that woman >>> off Emmerdale and Loose Women. It was odd. Another Celebrity in the mix, although I didn't talk to her lol. My mum was starstruck though, god bless her!
Im gearing up for results day tomorrow, it should be interesting!!!
Lots of love, thanks for reading!
Speaking of work, I haven't been to the stadium for about 4 weeks, things keep cropping up! Oops. Anyway lets all cross our fingers for me!
Yesterday was young Miss Corless' birthday, and here's my shout out to Julie and Eric who are just brilliant, they really should of taken some of my money! It was funny seeing NatALIE's face when she rolled up even if the youngest Spencer sister BALLSED EVERYTHING UP. Only joking of course, it all went well (Natalie didn't know we were going to be there, she thought it was just her family). We could write a sitcom about Natalie's mum Julie and Chris, the conversations were amazing. It was like handbags at dawn all evening! Brilliant! The meal was lovely too, and I liked all of Natalie's grandparents. I enjoyed the parts where Katie said things like "GRANDAD HOW DID YOU GET SO COOL" and "PUNCH HIM NAN". And a shout out to Jessica Howell for Tescoing it up and collecting me and the Chris.

Today was alright too, I spent some quality Weesle time. With Ayler (aka Weesle- i sometimes forget i haven't told people who Weesle is). Surreal moment of the day- playing in the playroom area at this "Fun House Factory World House" or whatever the hell it was called next to that woman >>> off Emmerdale and Loose Women. It was odd. Another Celebrity in the mix, although I didn't talk to her lol. My mum was starstruck though, god bless her!
Im gearing up for results day tomorrow, it should be interesting!!!
Lots of love, thanks for reading!
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Bal Chiki Chiki
Hurro boys and Nat, how are we all on this wonderful Thursday?
I've had a reasonably eventful day today, I say eventful i mean good. I was rudely awoken at QUARTER TO NINE, i time i haven't really seen since about May when we left college! But I ended up going to the library with Ayler and my mum coz he was booked in for some play session and he's still at our house for some reason. Yes, THAT library, the one i "worked" at for 9 months, voluntarily. It was good to see people, although there was only Steve in the place and Alaina on the desk. They've gone all out since i left, there's a bouncy castle now and everything. Fair play to them, someone has to entertain children, in the legal sense.
Anyway i went to fix my bastard of a phone too, and it was sorted in 10 minutes, Michaela's rolled up at this point too, as we're going to Manchester for the Batman shaped win. We also made a pretty pointless trek to the Job Center, i still don't have a proper full time one and I'm getting stressed with being constantly told this! I'M TRYING TO GET ONE OK! Manchester beckoned, and we found a good stand that does cheap burgers, he's been there for thirty years according to that woman infront of us in the queue. I Buffied it up and was rate shocked at the ending! I love Buffy lol glad its back! I'm a nerd, get over it. Michaela filled her Batman boots and I had a good time, i gasped at one point when that Gary Oldman man "died" but didnt! It was really good, Heath Ledger was ace and its not just because he died, he was good lol.
The train back was funny, a woman infront of us was sat next to this other woman who was asleep and she kept like leaning on this other womans shoulder, and me and Michaela saw her text her friend across the train like "oh my god this womans practically asleep on my shoulder" and it made me laugh when she kept nudging her and trying to move her but she kept sliding back! The simple things in life! Well now i'm just MSNing it up, listening to "Bette Davis Eyes" the best song ever, said by me and Laura Gill! I was listening to "Bal Chiki Chiki" when I started, hence the name. It's an odd old song!
Thanks for reading yall! Oh and addition to the "Discolight" "Jumping all over the world" music "feud", download "Glass of Champagne" and let the DISTRUST FOR SCOOTER CONTINUE
I've had a reasonably eventful day today, I say eventful i mean good. I was rudely awoken at QUARTER TO NINE, i time i haven't really seen since about May when we left college! But I ended up going to the library with Ayler and my mum coz he was booked in for some play session and he's still at our house for some reason. Yes, THAT library, the one i "worked" at for 9 months, voluntarily. It was good to see people, although there was only Steve in the place and Alaina on the desk. They've gone all out since i left, there's a bouncy castle now and everything. Fair play to them, someone has to entertain children, in the legal sense.
Anyway i went to fix my bastard of a phone too, and it was sorted in 10 minutes, Michaela's rolled up at this point too, as we're going to Manchester for the Batman shaped win. We also made a pretty pointless trek to the Job Center, i still don't have a proper full time one and I'm getting stressed with being constantly told this! I'M TRYING TO GET ONE OK! Manchester beckoned, and we found a good stand that does cheap burgers, he's been there for thirty years according to that woman infront of us in the queue. I Buffied it up and was rate shocked at the ending! I love Buffy lol glad its back! I'm a nerd, get over it. Michaela filled her Batman boots and I had a good time, i gasped at one point when that Gary Oldman man "died" but didnt! It was really good, Heath Ledger was ace and its not just because he died, he was good lol.
The train back was funny, a woman infront of us was sat next to this other woman who was asleep and she kept like leaning on this other womans shoulder, and me and Michaela saw her text her friend across the train like "oh my god this womans practically asleep on my shoulder" and it made me laugh when she kept nudging her and trying to move her but she kept sliding back! The simple things in life! Well now i'm just MSNing it up, listening to "Bette Davis Eyes" the best song ever, said by me and Laura Gill! I was listening to "Bal Chiki Chiki" when I started, hence the name. It's an odd old song!
Thanks for reading yall! Oh and addition to the "Discolight" "Jumping all over the world" music "feud", download "Glass of Champagne" and let the DISTRUST FOR SCOOTER CONTINUE
Monday, August 04, 2008
Wig Wam Bam Gonna Make you my blog
Hey yall, its a short un today:
My heads all cleared up after a fanciful night in at Chris's aunties house with Chris and Natalie, it was good to have a big catch up with them both! Since college ended I've been seeing less and less of people- it aint GOOD ENOUGH!
Anyway I've had a lovely day with the Emma, spent some girl time with her not had a "one on one" with her for quite a while either, it gave me a chance to clear my name and sort some stuff out! She's a quality lass she is! And then i bumped into an old friend Lewis gettin the bus, its always good to catch up and find out what people have been up to.
I'm wondering how the pub quiz guys are faring down in Wales, i should of been going but lack of moneys prevented it- it's hard being jobless!!!!! I've just been chillaxing tonight on MSN after majestically locking myself out of the house (left my key with Emma for some reason!), not much to talk about really! Hope everyone is ok :) :)
Thanks for reading :D
And if you have time on your hands, listen to "Disco Light" by Ultrabeat, and then "Jumping all over the world" by Scooter- they're blatantly the same song!
My heads all cleared up after a fanciful night in at Chris's aunties house with Chris and Natalie, it was good to have a big catch up with them both! Since college ended I've been seeing less and less of people- it aint GOOD ENOUGH!
Anyway I've had a lovely day with the Emma, spent some girl time with her not had a "one on one" with her for quite a while either, it gave me a chance to clear my name and sort some stuff out! She's a quality lass she is! And then i bumped into an old friend Lewis gettin the bus, its always good to catch up and find out what people have been up to.
I'm wondering how the pub quiz guys are faring down in Wales, i should of been going but lack of moneys prevented it- it's hard being jobless!!!!! I've just been chillaxing tonight on MSN after majestically locking myself out of the house (left my key with Emma for some reason!), not much to talk about really! Hope everyone is ok :) :)
Thanks for reading :D
And if you have time on your hands, listen to "Disco Light" by Ultrabeat, and then "Jumping all over the world" by Scooter- they're blatantly the same song!
Sunday, August 03, 2008
I feel bad
For not acknowledging people when they made the effort to come out! I'm really not doing this list to say "LOOK THESE PEOPLE ARE MY FRIENDS" and i know most of them wouldn't care, but its the least I can do for them turning up!
First of all thanks to Alexis and Laura Strickland for coming 2 my house with gifts/cards on/before my actual birthday! Thanks LADIEZZ, and thanks to my family for that meal and gifts etc. It sounds like a friggin award speech this
I'll just do this in the order my camera is showing me:
Michaela, Mel, Michelle, Paul, Calum, Kieran, Alex, Steph, Steph's Mum Dianne, Trisha, Helen, Keegan, Iain, Kate, Ruth, Rachel Heard, Natalie, Jess, Becky Spencer, Tom Porter, Rach Blakeley, Andrea, Aimee, Jodie, Holly, Becky, James, Emma, Josh, Rach Unsworth, Beth, Laura Waterworth, Sammy, Mob, Tom Simm, and of course the entire cast of Hollyoaks
It means a lot that you all came! You made my day rate good!!!!!
First of all thanks to Alexis and Laura Strickland for coming 2 my house with gifts/cards on/before my actual birthday! Thanks LADIEZZ, and thanks to my family for that meal and gifts etc. It sounds like a friggin award speech this
I'll just do this in the order my camera is showing me:
Michaela, Mel, Michelle, Paul, Calum, Kieran, Alex, Steph, Steph's Mum Dianne, Trisha, Helen, Keegan, Iain, Kate, Ruth, Rachel Heard, Natalie, Jess, Becky Spencer, Tom Porter, Rach Blakeley, Andrea, Aimee, Jodie, Holly, Becky, James, Emma, Josh, Rach Unsworth, Beth, Laura Waterworth, Sammy, Mob, Tom Simm, and of course the entire cast of Hollyoaks
It means a lot that you all came! You made my day rate good!!!!!
Happy Nathan Days!!!!
Well i'm now officially 18 years of age! As Laura Stricklands present mug said to me "I'm officially allowed to do all the things i've been doing for years"
Thanks for reading!!!!!!
Well months. I'm a late bloomer when it comes to being social.
For my actual birthday day, which was Thursday, I went out with them families, except for Kieran and Joanne because they were somewhere down south, I can't remember where! But they went to some sort of zoo, I know that much. If you have parents that are over 50 and from the Wigan "borough", then you'll know how every parent reacts to a meal. I'm talking to you here Becky Spencer. "IT WER ALRIGHT, THE CHIPS WEREN'T WARM, THE STEAK WAS TOO WELL DONE, THOSE VEGETABLES WEREN'T GREEN ENOUGH.....BUT IT WER ALRIGHT". God love them. I also took a WILD trip to the opticians, and to Tesco, and to McDonalds, because I'm hard core like that. It was a good day, thanks to the families for it :D
Friday rolled up and i dolled myself up with ID to hit the wonderful town of Wigan! I had those "i hope people show up" nerves as you do, i was happy to see people waiting at Wallgate. The early birds, I can't be bothered naming people though. Except for surprise Paul who changes his plans more than he changes his underwear, he was supposed to be working
till half 10 and he turned up like 20 minutes earlier than me or something! But god love him for it, I'm glad he did! Went to the Tudor and met s'more peoples, thanks to the Gibbons and the Trisha who rolled up from Skem for half an hour to see us!!!! I now have a free ticket to go to Skem too, present ftw. The night went on and i continued to meet people and wave goodbye to others, then Luke went from Big Brother SHOCKER, and I got more drunk. It was overall a good night and thanks to everyone who came! I didn't see some people enough because we all split, but hopefully now I have ID i can see em out more!

I ramble a fair bit, don't I! Well it came to half 4 and everyone was pretty skint, even Paul was yawning! And after Kate had fallen, grabbing on to Lauras dress for support, and ripping it down revealing her knockers to the entire Lux dancefloor, it was for the best that we called it a night! Keegan (if you look at my photos, he's the one thats on every single photo!), Iain, Paul and Calum decided to walk home! WALK! And Ruth and Tom went in some taxi home, leaving me and Rach to end in the wigan tradition of us 2 travelling home together! She owes me £3.
Then the taxi driver started asking me about what I was doing at col
lege, and whether I had a job, and i remember thinking "its quarter to 5, do i really need this?". Then i slept, and didn't throw up!

Thanks to all who attended, here's a lovely picture:
Nat, Keegan, Me, Laura, Ruth and Rachel in the Cage at Jumpin Jaks!
Nat, Keegan, Me, Laura, Ruth and Rachel in the Cage at Jumpin Jaks!
And also to follow my celebrity tradition, I saw Warren off hollyoaks, then i saw Fletch off hollyoaks, then i saw Amy off hollyoaks, and then I'm sure i saw that new bouncer....off hollyoaks...I'm pretty sure they were filming
Thanks for reading!!!!!!
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