Classic Train Girl. Youtube it! Thanks for that gem Katie Corless :D Good Times
I went to a pub quiz Monday- we managed to get 20 out of 65. Ant said he thought the team might do better with me and Johanna on board- we both dropped out of Uni early in. The only thing we have a degree in is losing. But to be fair, the questions were pretty terrible. Pretty terrible indeed. And one of the rounds didn't make sense- the guy said "The last word from the previous answer will start the next answer". Then one of the questions, the answer was "Cyprus". And the next question was about a Bond film. Useless.
Life is as exciting as ever- Natalie and Jessica return on Monday though, which is fun! I've realised why I still haven't passed my driving test too- ignoring the fact that I haven't booked my test again since September...I don't particularly like it...Strange.
I have a new man crush. On the woman from N-Dubz, Tulisa? I don't know why- maybe its the minor femaleness of her. She's still no Gwaggz though. I have also found a new passion for the game "Lips", despite my horrible horrible voice. I managed to get over 100,000 points on "Push the Button" by the Sugababes. Wow. I should join, they'll probably need a new one soon anyway.
I worked for 9 hours today which was interesting, considering I was only supposed to be doing 2. But I'm a fan of money. Speaking of fans, these Facebook groups are getting ridiculous now. Why would I feel the need to let people know that when i hear the words "Just a small town girl", I sing "Living in a lonely world", or "When I'm upset, I use one word answers". I don't think anyone in the world would benefit from knowing this shit.
Fuck you Facebook, you're becoming Myspace. But more pretentious. Because everyone thinks they're too old for Myspace- but LOOK AT THE SHIT YOU'RE JOINING! Admittedly, some of the funny ones are worth it, even if they don't help anything in my daily life. Anyway yeah, I worked 9 hours with Piper, but thats never a bad thing! Big news Jders- we now have a women's sale rack. Things are really shaping up.
Its wierd that Rachel's only been in London for like 2 days, and I miss her! Sometimes I go weeks without seeing her though- maybe its because I know she's been away...maybe she's bought me a PRESENT. Probably not. I bet Jay gets a present. I want a present.
SOMEBODY BUY ME SOMETHING. Happy Birthday Samantha dear by the way. I'm going back to Edge Hill next week to visit her/you, I'm a little bit excited. I like the bit with the people- not so much the bit with the advertising course though. Or the £4,100 I need to pay back. OOPS. Went back to John Rigby yesterday...I didn't like it at all. It reminded me that I'm not there anymore, and people kept walking past and I didn't know them! I wish we were all back at college...

Anyway, I'm bored of typing now.
Night Night