So, as I don't have 30 days left in Engrand (I'ma go Japan in 10 days!!!!) I thought i'd whack all this out in one, coz it looks like fun.
day 01 - your favorite song- Bette Davis Eyes (Kim Carnes)
I couldn't tell you why though, I remember Laura Gill sending it to me via MSN about 5 years ago and I listened to it on repeat for about 3 days, and I can still listen to it over and over. But I don't know why- I don't even know what the balls its about.
day 02 - your least favorite song- The Decision (The Young Knives)
As I've mentioned in past blogs, not a big fan of the lyrics in this one. At the same time though it brightens our day when it plays at work (it's on the JD playlist), but I still can't help but think- who MADE this song? Who thought this was a good idea! If you listen to ANY of the 30 songs on this, let it be this one. It's terrible.
day 03 - a song that makes you happy- Misery Business (Paramore)
Not in a gimpy, emo way. But it symbolizes triumph in my college years- moving on from something I never thought I would and realising that I was the one calling the shots all the way through the dilemma! It was part of my daily routine to make myself realise I'm BRILLIANT.
day 04 - a song that makes you sad- Adam's Song (Blink 182)
For pretty obvious reasons. Some dude kills himself, sings about it. It's not a song that makes me so sad I can't listen to it, it's one of my favourite songs, but for the reason that it's sad! However, not a great party starter. Unlike my next hit.
day 05 - a song that reminds you of someone- Like a G6 (Far East Movement)
At this current moment in time it never fails to make me laugh, for its pure badness- and it reminds me of someone who I consider to be my comedy equal. That came out a LOT MORE BIGHEADED THAN ITS INTENDED TO BE. Who cares, I'm 06 - a song that reminds you of somewhere- Dallas Theme
This is a weird one...unless you went to college with me. This song will forever be in my head, heart, and i suppose ears, as the theme to the Graphics Crew- the best year of my life, the second year of college! Whenever I hear this song it will remind me that I have an entire year of my life documented in comedy films, all accompanied by this song. And thats something J.R and the gang will NEVER ACHIEVE.
day 07 - a song that reminds you of a certain event- Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger (Daft Punk)
It may not have been Leeds, because...well we couldn't get tickets, but it's my first and only festival event and nothing will really top the feeling of being smashed, dehydrated, underage in a field full of mud and human feces, listening to some European...well...whatever Daft Punk are.
day 08 - a song that you know all the words to- Barbra Streisand (Duck Sauce)
Unless I'm drunk when it becomes "Barbra Subsidised"
day 09 - a song that you can dance to- Single Ladies (Put a Ring on it) (Beyonce)
I'm aware I'm not doing myself any favours with this one, but when i'm SLIZZERED I think I'm the next best thing to Beyonce. And how many times have a crowd gathered around you and Frankie when dancing to this song? DIDN'T THINK SO MATE.
day 10 - a song that makes you fall asleep- The Simpsons Theme
Only because I tend to put the Simpsons DVD's on when I go to bed. It's not a case of instantly falling asleep anytime I hear the theme song, like some kind of specific narcilepsy.
day 11 - a song from your favorite band- Miss You (Blink 182)
For some reason, despite going through "that" phase and going to Caff every Thursday etc, I never really got into Blink 182 until recently...but I like them. And i like this song.
day 12 - a song from a band you hate- Panic! (The Smiths)
Hates a very strong word, I don't really hate The Smiths I just never made any kind of deep meaningful connection to their music...and I find his voice whiny. I much prefer Neil Morrissey.
day 13 - a song that is a guilty pleasure- It's Over Now (Big Ang)
It's like mid-90's mild clubland, but I could listen to it over and over! Plus her names Big Ang which makes her sound like some kind of crew cut darts playing mega lesbian.
day 14 - a song that no one would expect you to love- Stairway to Heaven (Led Zeppelin)
This was a tough one, as I have the worst most varied taste in music ever. I just went for this because it's in my top 5 songs of all time (how UNIQUE of me), and people usually expect it to be beaten out by Just Dance or something like that.
day 15 - a song that describes you- Riverside (Sidney Samson)
I went for this song because it's repetetive, funny and annoying after a while.
day 16 - a song that you used to love but now hate- Chillin (Wale ft. Lady Gaga)
For some reason, this song is in my Top 25 most played on Itunes, despite the fact Wale is an arrogant prick with no dissernable talents. And Gwaggz barely does anything in this song, she isn't even wearing meat or killing a resteraunt full of people with one third of Destiny's Child. "They keep call me Whale but my name Wa-lay" Nobody calls you anything because nobody knows you, you fuck.
day 17 - a song that you hear often on the radio- Africa (Toto)
Along with Phil Collins, Wish FM lap this bollocks up. However, I do like this song. So i don't really mind- I'm not entirely sure what its about doesn't seem to mention...Africa. Except for the bit about Africa.
day 18 - a song that you wish you heard on the radio- Surfin Bird (The Trashmen)
I can imagine if i had a radio station I'd play this song at least once an hour to increase the rates of suicide amongst scrubbers in Wigan.
day 19 - a song from your favorite album- Bad Romance (Lady Gaga)
Ima finally play the Gwaggz card. It's the first album i've ever owned where I've liked every single song enough to listen to them over and over. And I'm very picky, there's usually one I don't like. I got the Mumford and Sons album last I supposed to like them? It's BORING.
day 20 - a song that you listen to when you’re angry- Down with the Sickness (Disturbed)
Because I'm a death metal emo prick.
day 21 - a song that you listen to when you’re happy- We R who we R (Kesha)
Knocking my musical prestige down even further but Ke$ha is doing a bang up job of making us teens/early 20's dance and love getting smashed and dance. And I for one, applaud her. I think Susan Boyle could learn a thing or two. If she had auditioned with Tik Tok, Diversity would've just handed first place over to her.
day 22 - a song that you listen to when you’re sad- A place called home (Kim Richey)
Despite the fact you've basically asked me this question already, I'll re-answer it. This song is a nice country song that relaxes me? Yeah, we'll stick with that.
day 23 - a song that you want to play at your wedding- Wonderful Tonight (Eric Clapton)
Don't get me wrong, I'm not turning into an emotional mess. I want this song to be played when I walk in, and every time I walk into a room following my initial entrance. I also want it to be played so loud it drowns out anything anybody but myself says at the event.
day 24 - a song that you want to play at your funeral- Fields of Gold (Eva Cassidy)
Because if they play Lady Gaga i'll get out the coffin and switch it off myself.
day 25- a song that makes you laugh- Bed Intruder Song (Antoine Dobson)
He's climbing in your windows, he's snatching your people up...
Best. I wish I was that flamboyant and eccentric when it comes to the tragic happenings of a close person in my life. ITS OBVIOUS WE HAVE A RAPIST IN LINCOLN PARK.
day 26 - a song that you can play on an instrument- When the Saints Go Marching In
I can play this, badly, on keyboard. I can also play one of the many classics from Cockney Watchdogs albums 1 through 5.
day 27 - a song that you wish you could play- What's my name (Rihanna)
Only because I just listened to it, and I think it would make a good acoustic cover. Can you tell I've grown VERY weary of this stupid 30 songs lark now?
day 28 - a song that makes you feel guilty- Don't Stop Believing (Glee Cast)
I know full well the Journey version is better, and will always be. But WHY DO I LISTEN TO THIS VERSION MORE OFTEN?
day 29 - a song from your childhood- Come on Eileen (I don't even remember)
I used to love this song as a toddler/whatever comes after toddler. I vaguely remember thinking it was about Eileen, the manager of Hindley Swimming Baths. In hindsight the fact that as a young child my favourite song was about a man pressuring a woman for sex just set my horrible disturbing descent into madness up didn't it.
day 30 - your favorite song at this time last year- United States of Pop 2009 (DJ Earworm)
I basically played this song on repeat for about 4 months, as it features a lot of other songs, and we all know wheres I stands on remixes. Listen to it, and the 2010 one, they're very good. If you like remixes.
DONE! That was boring. I imagine it was boring to read
Life Update: Saturday is my last shift at JD Sports! I'll write more next week before I jet off, explaining my plans, but yeah, Ima miss everyone dearly as they are my closest friends aside from a few special (and i mean SPECIAL...not in a nice way) people outside the job. I leave the country on 20th March, and I will be returning on 4th June...cannot waaait!!!!
Sorry I wasted your time.