Me and Frankie went out for dinner today, and when did old people decide it was acceptable to push in? If i did that to you bitch, you'd write in to Crimewatch or something! And she gave me a knowing look too like, "Yeah...i did...and WHAT". She angered me, but then the food unangered me, which is always a plus. I tend to NEVER eat at home these days- I went to this pub today, Frankie and Benny's yesterday, the Brockett the day before that, and the list works backwards! I assume. But, I have cut out McDonalds, KFC and Burger King. Which is good. This allows more room for more expensive food.
Back to the me and Frankie bit, it was nice to spend some quality time with MA GURRRL. And we had a decent chat about stuff! And as ever, I laughed a lot. Always knows how to cheer me up! Then we headed down the social ladder and into Leigh town centre- where we did some shoppings! I bought more clothes. For under a tenner. I like this. But this isn't Facebook- so i can't physically like it. And we looked at christening clothes!!! It's so wierd that in less than a month, Frankie will have spawned a child. Good times!
Then, i didn't get my hair cut again, whoops. I am tomorrow though! I promise. I went to the Swimming baths to watch Ayler do a lesson, but then, i bumped into an old best friend Kelly, and didn't end up watching him at all because i spent about 45 minutes or something catching up and seeing what was going down in McLenahan town! It was wierd discussing the old CAFF crew, because we all now have jobs and responsibilities, and some have moved out, and got cars, etc; its strange to think just 3 years ago we used to smash each other around in a pit of foam...
I have no topic of discussion tonight, but I think Johanna Edgerton deserves a mention for being brilliant. Kiss ass. I think I need to come up with some kind of topic to make these things interesting...any suggestions, let me know! I think I'm just going to mention JD for the rest of this thing, because I didn't give it enough credit last time:
Working at JD Sports has made me more social, albeit a bit chavvier, than I was before, and all the people that work there make me smile lots and lots. Well, the majority. The other ones occasionally make me half smile. It's wierd that when I have issues now, the majority of people I turn to are my co-workers...and vice versa! It's actually, in terms of people, the best shop I could ever want to work in! Viva La JD! And Viva La...Staff. Just you know, don't end up liking co-workers more than friends, because it apparantly never ends very well. And then you get all depressed and stuff. But ya know, what can you do
Anyway, I'm bored, so here's another photo:

Its from when me, Jess, Andrea, Rachael and Jodie went sledging. As you can see, we hit a bush. Quite painfully.
Oh and big up to Josh Connell. You're dead good :D