Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Beans Beans the Terrifying Fruit...the more you eat...the more I can't LOOK AT YOU
Monday, June 15, 2009
Who slaps a THUNDERSTORM in the middle of JUNE?
Monday, June 01, 2009
Here's whats SHIT about English People
Subject Number 1: Susan (I dont know her middle name but i'm going to go for MAUDE) Boyle.
When our lovely Su-Bo waddled onto the Britains Got Talent stage, you could see people in the audience were like "EEEEE" but then she started to sing and they changed her mind. Everyone thought she was gonna be a nutcase but then she was well good at singing, we know that much, but I don't understand why just because of her eyebrows and frumpy dress people assumed she was untalented! Anyway, she was amazing yada yada yada, but then Britain started doing what it always does; turning against people! People trying to be "original" turned around like "Oh I hate Susan Boyle me i always have" just so they had something interesting to discuss over dinner. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion but I really don't understand how you can hate a woman who has only walked out onto a stage and given a really good performance of a song! And nobody can deny that shes a good singer, i agree with people who say she isn't the best but she isn't a bad singer is she! People, like myself, fall in love with her because of her story, and how shes overcoming peoples opinions of what she is! People say stuff about her being rubbish now, and its only because the media basically raped her life and people can't escape from her- in a similar way to Jade Goody, people felt sorry for her, but then thought "oh just DIE already so i dont have to see you anymore!" which is terrible! So yeah,this is rant 1, Susan Boyle haters, how would you feel if you did something you loved and people began to rip it to pieces, AND start to insult you on a personal level! Think about it guyzzzzz!
Subject Number 2: People In Relationships
Not specifically Maude Flanders, but this picture is her with Ned and lets face it she had to get a mention in here didn't she! No, British People, teenagers in specific, don't seem to be able to juggle being in a relationship and having friends together! In mind right now, i can think of 2 clear examples of people who manage to do this just fine, and they are Laura Gill and Rachel Heard (seperate relationships, they aint no lezzaaas). I'm sure there'd be more if i thought of them, but I cant right now. It seems to be, get in a relationship, and the time cant be divided (this is now excluding Rachel and Laura by the way), or begin to chase a person, and give the friendships that have always been there up straight away! I'm not writing this with anyone in mind personally, but a friend is having issues with another friend doing this at the minute and I can see exactly where they're coming from, i dont get why people just can't divide their time!!! It makes the friends feel worthless when you're ditched for a new relationship, or even sometimes just for someone their chasing!!!! So yeah, spare a thought for your friends guyz. So we've covered Su-Bo and Relationships. Where next
Subject Number 3: Twilight
I dont know if after my Su-Bo rant, this makes me seem a bit hypocritical, but i'm not slagging off the acting or anything like that and I'm sure the books are fine. But I cannot see the MASSIVE obsession with this film! How was it remotely special...or actually, how was it remotely good? It seemed to me like it was a generic vampire film where the girl falls for the vampire and then a bad guy gets involved. The script was hardly epic aswell, i can't think of any memorable quotes. Oh and a tip to the writers, try to make your protagonist (I CANT SPELL THIS WORD OK IM NOT TRYNA BE JOHNNY FILMMAKER HERE) LIKEABLE! The girl in this film was a BITCH! Infact, ironically, I didn't realise this until now, but she falls into the realms of Rant Subject 2! These nice people at that school see this girl whos new, and try their best to make friends with her but shes still well gloomy and stuff. And then as soon as Cedric friggin Diggory rolls up she ditches them all! I don't want to seem like the obsessive Buffy Fan, but when it comes to Vampires im sorry but there's no beating the Storylines and Writing of the Tv Series! Maybe the developments of the next few films will surprise me and I might enjoy twilight, but the first film didn't wow me remotely!
Right I think thats enough ranting for one night, I'm also not a fan of overly vain people, but lets look on the positive side of things, I got some sun on my self today! but now im burned! CANT WIN CAN I! Only joking, im not going 2 turn into some sourfaced old bastard but I decided 2 get some stuff off my chest. I wish to talk about "Addicted" also, so I will:ADDICTED is a Comedy-Drama "WebSeries" written by my very good friends Chris Holding and Frankie Kerfoot, and also myself. The facebook group is: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/group.php?gid=106408729477&ref=ts and we would be grateful if you joined. No episodes have been released yet because we're waiting to film 1 final scene for Ep1, but hopefully it'll be done before the end of this week! And a promotional video is hopefully going 2 get made soon aswell, so await dear viewer(s).
Thats pretty much it for 2night! xxxx
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Gilligans Island
That is, if you do see her. At 3 Feet 9, she is the smallest person in Haydock, nay Europe. And i've been to the CIRCUS. Moving swiftly on, Laura Gill manages to brighten your depressing little lives with her off colour humour, her off colour tan and her humourous dole-enducing appedicitis. So this blog is dedicated to honouring her!
I've had many a fun time with this girl, probably starting in school, but all i can really remember from her in school is us making fun of people bigger than us behind their backs, and teachers thinking my reputation was being dragged down by my tagging on to her crowd. And then when we left school, our friendship "ended" when we didn't speak for about 2 years. But it was some other girls fault, for being a blatant liar!!!! And then 1 song, popular in the 60s or 70's dragged us back together.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Darren can't do games today...as he is dead.
Thats right kiddos, i watched "Tormented" at the cinema avec Frankie and Rachel, despite the fact 4 days ago i said "NO IM NOT WATCHING THIS FILM AT THE CINEMA". Well to be fair, until i got to the ticket desk and heard Frankie ask for 3 tickets for "Tormented", i was fully under the impression i was going watching Ben Stiller's hilarious sequel, "Night at the Museum 2". But as much as I hate to admit it, I thourougly enjoyed it! It turned out to be more comedy than horror, and the villain was ridiculous. So thanks for deceiving me girls, it turned out to be the funnest deception since that time Maude Flanders PRETENDED to be dead for 9 years.
Speaking of coming back from the dead, talks about a new Buffy Movie have arisen. Yey for me right? POSSIBLY. Because no Gellar, no Hannigan, no Brendon, no Benson, etc, and possibly worst of all: no Whedon! It's basically being reinvented by people who have been involved throughout its run from original 1992 movie through the series. But i still can't decide whether it will ruin the series for me! I am excited to see it though, so alls gravy AS OF YET. If they cast like, her from highschool musical who flashed her tits all over the internet, then i wont be too happy. But we'll see wont we. And yes, this IS the kind of thing i care about.
TODAY i went to the Party and Play Funhouse with Ayler and Nami, also my mum and Akiyo, and although it was packed i still ended up on the slide. Which i didn't hate. Except for when i sort of rolled down it. And Aylers getting into Pokemon, and we've been playing Pokemon Green on the gameboy, which i hate to say is becoming addicted. I feel like its Y6 again! Anyway its time to bed, have to be up in 8 hours to prepare for a drivey driving lesson. And by prepare, i mean get dressed.