Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Good GRAVY it's been a while!

My name's Nathan O'leary and I haven't blogged in about 8 months

Thankyou for sharing, Nathan. Take a seat

How things change in 8 months!!! We'll start with the most important: Thomas the Tank Engine is OVER, and Ben 10 now rules the O'leary roost, specifically Alien Force. I myself am a fan of "Echo Echo", but Ayler much prefers "Goop". Nami just likes to bite on the corners of books, but at 8 months old (8 months old already!) what can you expect? And she also can say "Gok", following the trait of O'leary children's strange obsessions with Gok Wan.

Aside from this, I managed to land myself a job at the one, the only, JD Sports, shovelling footwear off to anyone i can force into buying it. I've even found myself buying some of the stuff in there, which, considering I only applied because Tickle did and i dont think I'd stepped in a JD since I was about 6 before applying, is pretty "exciting". So yes, no more dole, and it's the best feeling EVER! Actually the second best, after going into the dole and telling them you've landed a job!

Friendship wise, I'm finding myself with less and less friends everytime I look! Not in a "eurgh we hate Nathan" way (hopefully), but more and more people continue to leave my life (or sometimes the COUNTRY, NATALIE CORLESS AND JESSICA HOWELL; we'll get onto this soon), but I can still rely on the Chris', the Frankies, the Mykes, the Rachels, the Laura Gills, the Pauls, the Katies of the world to keep me sane and entertained, or my new word; sanetertained. I just made it up.

Speaking of sanity, I seem to be lacking it dearly of late. My obsession with Maude Flanders has turned from "unhealthy" to "dangerous", I've found myself watching episodes with her in to soothe me to sleep. As I said to Liam the other night during a 6:00 AM heated discussion between myself, him, and Emma after some horrifically dodgy takeaway and Chav Pingu, "I don't fancy her or anything, I respect her too much". I don't know if that makes me less of a pervert, or more.

There's much I want to talk about! I forgot about blogging, and how fun it is! It's just ALL ABOUT ME! I want to talk about the hideously disgraceful family i served at work today. I finished at 1:00 and they trapsed in at about 12:40 and started bombarding me with questions about K-Swiss shoes. For you're entertainment, i've written it as if it were a play. A REALLY shit one.


Me: Let me have a look- these ones only start in a 3

Elderly Chav Nan (ECN for short): SO U DONT HAVE UM IN A 2

Me: No, they start in a 3

ECN: Not a 2?

Me: No, 3

Shockingly WideFaced Mum (SWFM for short): HERE CAN I GET THESE ONES IN A 3 FOR HIM (she had 3 sons, 1 aged 12, despite the fact she couldn't of been older than 24, 25 at a push)

Me: Yes

(Nathan trundles off to get the shoes, as Piper hides from the family so they dont ask him for any more shoes)

Basically i bring 1 pair out, for 1 kid, they buy them, another pair for the young lad, they buy them, then this 12 year old who had been dragged up backwards through a Jeremy Kyle Special, starts to CRY because he wants the shoes we DONT have. He tries a size 3 air max on, and cries more because they"dont fit" despite the fact they obviously do, he just couldn't be arsed putting them on properly. So i go and get a 4, its about 10 to 1 now and i can see Burger King in the distance luring me over. He tries the 4 on and cries again because "he can feel a lump on his toe", so i go and get the 4 in the K-Swiss and he says "they're ok", but because his mum CHUCKLES, he cries AGAIN and throws the shoe at me! So i just took them down to the front of the shop and beat him down with a shoe filler. I wish. I had 2 grin and bear it.


Now, where was I. I'm going to hold a "Return to Blogspot" award ceremony to fill in some gaps of my life

Best Christening of 2009: Ayler and Nami's in January. Also counts as "only Christening of 2009"

Funniest Radio Station: Bailrigg Fm, for reading out pretty much anything Me, Myke, Katie, Bob, Megan, Chris and Michaela email in saying.

Best Cartoon Character: It has to be Maude Flanders. It just has to be. For helping me sleep at night

Most Inspirational Person: I've become a big fan of Susan Boyle's, because I'm a sheep and i like what she stands for

Shocking Death of 2009: Andy Hallett AKA Lorne from Angel, may he rest in peace

Funnest Filming: The first day of filming "addicted", before it got a bit tedious

Shocking Exit of 2009: Natalie and Jess, for leaving the country to work in France for 8 months!

Best Place of Work: I'm gonna have to say JD but i do rather enjoy my Pie Job still

Best Detonation of a Hydrogen Bomb of 2009: Despite Korea's best efforts, its going to have to go to Juliet Burke of "LOST" fame

Easy to Talk to Award: Myke to the Geeleher who listens to all my rants and as far as I know doesn't just scroll past them and says "yeah"

Homewrecker Award: Ben 10, for destroying Thomas' stellar reputation in the O'leary house

Best Singer: I have to go with Gaga, because I'm going seeing her live in June!!!!!!!!!

Hopefully i'll continue to blog and they wont be as ridiculously LONG as this 1! xxxx You stay classy San Diego

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