Sunday, May 31, 2009

Gilligans Island

Whether you got a handjob from her at a bus-stop, or you threw a drink down her dressed as a bumblebee, or sat next to her in Y9 art after the Art Teacher called her fat and moved her into your class, you'll know Laura Gill when you see her.

That is, if you do see her. At 3 Feet 9, she is the smallest person in Haydock, nay Europe. And i've been to the CIRCUS. Moving swiftly on, Laura Gill manages to brighten your depressing little lives with her off colour humour, her off colour tan and her humourous dole-enducing appedicitis. So this blog is dedicated to honouring her!

I've had many a fun time with this girl, probably starting in school, but all i can really remember from her in school is us making fun of people bigger than us behind their backs, and teachers thinking my reputation was being dragged down by my tagging on to her crowd. And then when we left school, our friendship "ended" when we didn't speak for about 2 years. But it was some other girls fault, for being a blatant liar!!!! And then 1 song, popular in the 60s or 70's dragged us back together.

That song was Bette Davis Eyes by Kim Carnes, which Laura one day popped up on MSN (we'd spoken a few times and she told me she could drive which was a lie!) and sent it to me. And after that, we both listened to it on repeat for about a week. And it still stands as my most played song on Itunes! Laura and my goodself then at some point arranged to go round Wigan, her first time EVER, and I took her to PADA, good old Pada. And then we were back on track!

For the next year and a half (bringing us to now) she proceeded to hang around me like a bad smell, popping up on MSN to talk about Two Pints or specifically, Kelly, from Two Pints, the then nations "Susan Boyle of 2008". In this time, she gave me many a lol, including a time we patrolled the streets of Manchester at Gay Pride together, making fun of the many kings and queens we came across. Not literally. Infact i think I may have blogged about that in the past!!!!
She's always been a REAL pal to me, and with upcoming Gaga-age, our friendship will never end! In all seriousness she is a wonderful LITTLE woman, and a very good friend to me! So welldone Laura Gill, and heres hoping you dont get hit by a tram or something before the 28th of June. She has budgies or something too.

In a non-Laura-Gill topic, Susan Boyle came 2nd on BGT. Which is fair do's coz Diversity wer really good, and Boyle will have an album out in about a week. Plus she was namechecked on a Simpsons Promo, so shes in the same league as Maude Flanders now! Today i worked at JD. Exciting. it was fun today actually, had a good ol' time!!!

Going 2 bed now! Nighty Night, Thanks for reading. For more on Laura Gill, type "Laura Gill" into Facebook, or watch Crimewatch. xxx

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