Monday, June 15, 2009

Who slaps a THUNDERSTORM in the middle of JUNE?

Ive not blogged for a while but im all muddled up with what to talk about!

We'll start with the first thing that cropped up into my head: Christopher Holding, Nathan O'leary, Katie Corless and Laura Gill aka Gaga Crew if we ever went on something like Britains Got Talent or something of that like. And it feels right to be back in a G-Crew feels GOOD. I am thoroughly enjoying my more and more regular evenings out with the Gwagz, although they all tend to involve a walk into the Fairy Glen, we need a new activity. Any Suggestions? But the laughs just roll forth and it feels like this wonderful combination was meant to be. I got into a little bit of trouble concerning misunderstood messages this week aswell in the Gwagz crew- whoops. But hopefully come tomorrow it'll all be done and dusted. Speaking of dusting, JD needs a new dustpan and nobody's going to buy one so if you have any laying around, drop them off in store. Really.
But it would not be fair to mention my evenings out with Katie and Laura and not mention my equally exciting, hilarious and fun-filled evenings with my lovely Frankie Kerfoot and Rachel Heard and occasionally Jay. You know- the tall one. And Chris aswell, making the transition between both groups- the player. I went to the pictures last night watching Doghouse with them, and managed to laugh all the way through it thanks to those two. WHEN IN SCHOOL (I Sound like im doing a wedding speech now) and i hung round with them occasionally i never saw them being 2 of my beZZIES 3 years down the line, but boy am I glad they are!!!! Both of them never cease to amaze me, in a similar fashion to Chris, Katie and Laura. Oh and Myke, who i haven't bothered to mention because i NEVER. SEE. HIM. (Take the hint Geel :p).
Next Topic: Star Trek
As we've hopefully established now, im a nerd, but i was never a trekkie. But I went watching Star Trek on Saturday with Chris, Katie, Lil Dave and Michaela, and I loved it! I thought it was dead good, which i expected it to be because of the trailer and the fact its got LOST written all over it with the staff. But i had to laugh every time the Russian one spoke. "Inwincible" isnt even a WORD. I could hear Katie CHORTLING 2 seats down aswell which just made me laugh more. But the highlight of that night was the 10 minutes it took for my good self, Dave and Michaela to strap ourselves into the back of Chris's car after the film. Literally 10 minutes. There was a lot of wiggling and "OW THATS MY LEG" "MOVE" "I CANT DO THIS" going on, and its safe to say a scene was made. All i could think was "If we wer in that film now, and they were trying to save the day, we'd have just killed everyone with these shenanigans".
From Star Trek, to Coronation Street, which I have taken a shine to again now I know Sunita and Karen McDonald are coming back! Ive started 2 watch it again purely to brace myself for their returns...and its actually quite good! I haven't seen it since our Ricky Hillman went mental and played that Romeo and Juliet song before trying to drown everyone. Can you tell I'm just rambling now?
Student Accomodation has to be sorted tomorrow, so wish me luck! Everyone look up "Maggie Roswell" aswell because shes a good good woman. I thought I'd cut down on the Twilight hating tonight because Kelly McGuire told me off. Shes doing a blog too I think so I'll get a link, read it!
On a "Actual Real Life" Sidenote, nothing is really happening, it rained a lot today and there was a thunderstorm, I haven't been fired or anything like that, Ayler and Nami are good, etc etc. Big Up to them both! I think I'm going to do some awards again soon because I had fun! Addicted Episode 1 has been pretty much finished aswell so look out for that on FB/Youtube!!!
Lots of LUV

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