Sunday, August 24, 2008

We'll have our own party! EVERY SIMPSON DANCE NOW

Hi lads and ladettes. Im off to work in 15 minutes so i'll save this in't drafts and carry on when i get home! I'll talk about the wonders that were yesterday first:

Natalie's stomach was on the fritz so she couldn't come to Manchester, leaving just me and Laura Gilligan Gill, who'd never been before! She doesn't leave Haydock much. So we went and Buffy'd it up after a wonderful train ride, things that amazed her were "cows", "houses", and "other trains". God love her! And we went on the MASSIVE wheel in manchester to see the wonderful sights and Laura stressed out because she thought we only went round once! IS THIS IT? SIX FIFTY? IS THIS IT? Haha

Got to straighten my hair now actually, so this story will continue after work! Good day :D

And he's back!!!!
Well Manchester was funny funny fun fun, me and Laura waltzed around the streets waiting for that gay parade to start and then Gary texted me about something and we assumed he'd be there too lol, and he was, so we met up with him and Craig and watched all the wonderful people strut around. Everyone seemed to be involved, from the fire people, to ambulance people to the police, and Laura said "god all the emergencies love the gays" or something to that extent! After a while we decided to go for some food (well i did haha) and we bid farewell to the drag kings and queens of Manchester, and we went shopping for a while!

Laura bought a top for her boyfriend and then we decided 2 go to that science museum in Deansgate for some reason, so we ended up there but it was closed so we wer walking around Deansgate for like 30 minutes trying to find the train station! But we saw lovely pictures of horses on the way.

And that was MY DAY!!!!!

Today all i did was go to work, and for some reason I got put on a completely different stand but i got there and the people were dead nice, and funny, so it was ok! We had a lorra lorra laughs, as our Cilla would say. I got a £50 note aswell, which made me like King of the stadium! Now im watching Angel and trying to get the feeling back into my arms, because Ayler is a HEAVY CHILD

Lots of Love!

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