Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I think you have too many shoes.....STUPID BOY

These Shoes Rule....These Shoes SUCK!

I remember why i love Kelly Shoes, the love went away for quite some time, but lets face it lads it's back with a vengeance!!!!

Today brought surprise Michaela back into my life, after a week away! She trekked down to Wales or something, but she's back in Wigan woo! So we decided to celebrate by trying to get me a job. I managed to come home having applied to 5 different places though so hopefully I'm going to get an actual job soon- I really hope so! Oh, and if you know me, you know how I enjoy Buffy and Angel comics...and hopefully you'll have accepted that part of me. Well I have to trek to Manchester at least once a month if not more, and it ends up costing more than i expect (I do enjoy going though haha). But today, for some reason, me and Mikki went into the Carpet Warehouse type shop that the old comic shop used to be in but moved like 3 years ago. Well we walked around and in the corner there's like FIVE SHELVES of comics, INCLUDING buffy and angel! And although they're like last months, THEY'VE BEEN IN WIGAN ALL THIS TIME! WHAT THE HELL!!!

It made us lololol, and then I had a nice sandwich from Subway. And i bought "The Terminal", just because I can, and i decided that despite everyone saying its terrible to me, that i will enjoy it! It was on on the plane to Japan, but it followed "Jersey Girl" so i think i'd fallen to sleep. I just had a sudden urge to want to get back on a plane for ages, don't know why!.

I watched the Ayler tonight aswell, so its been a fun packed evening of such Thomas Stories as "Rheneas and the Rollercoaster", "James and the Queen of Sodor", and "Not so hasty puddings". But i have fallen in love with the character of Toad, he makes me laugh! And Harvey looks like Phil Jupitus!

Tomorrow sees me having a "Sex and the City" themed lunch with Jess and Natalie, although there were blatantly 4 SATC girls. Yes. I saw it at the cinema. IT WAS GOOD

Lots of love!

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