Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Episode One: Fallen Empire

These are the people who seem to be making my Summer-Autumn months brilliant
And Jess aswell, and a few others
Hi Everyone!
Well today, we officially, the Graphics Crew, as a four, met up for the first time since JUNE! And we filmed the final 2 scenes for GC Episode 1...which will debut tomorrow! Thanks to all who did my poll, i shall announce the results soon! As many of you will know, the graphics crew started out as a bit of a joke but it's grown into a full blown hobby for all involved- and there's videos aplenty for us to look back on in the coming years!
Episode One focuses on the fact that our un-made GC3 Movie caused the destruction of College, so the GC4 split (ie me, chris, natalie, michaela) never to speak again- and now because the Mayor (who is a familiar face may i add) needs to rebuild the destroyed town (where the college was), Vickie has been set the task to reunite us.
It's a funny old "romp" and im sure you'll enjoy it, so i'll post the link for 2morrow. As for now i'd like for you to join "" which Michaela Halsall has just set up!!!!
Lots of love guys

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