Friday, October 03, 2008

The Downfall of Nathan O'leary

Hello everyone!

Firstly, Episode One of the Graphics Crew is up, called "Fallen Empire", ask me about it if you're interested. Me and the rest of the team are happy with the outcome, it's something we can actually be proud of making and actually completing, we just hope you like it and get it as much as us!

Secondly. 18 year old people, and some younger ones, are crap. For some of them it's apparant friendship doesn't mean a lot, friendship with me at least. Obviously I have those, recently decreasing in amount, minority that I can call true friends, but as for quite a lot of my college friends, it's been downhill since we left. And some of these have shocked me because I thought our friendship was based on more than a building in which we had to see each other daily. Maybe I'm just being paranoid on some counts but it feels like i've lost contact with a damn lot of people who both sides said we wouldn't. And sometimes it's my fault, but i'd like to think most of the time it isn't. People know with me that i feel a lot of the time i put more effort into the friendship than the other side, so i've decided that i'm going to wait and see how many of the people i called friends make an effort with me, or if our friendship was all about me making plans. It seems like people are all up for being my friend if I organise stuff, but if i dont i'm pretty easy to forget about.

Anyway, that tesco job i didn't get. So GUTTED. But oh well, i'm hoping for the best with another 1 in wigan :D :D.

I'd like to say I really am grateful to those friends of mine who are still around and make as much effort with me as I make with them and they do know who they are coz i keep bombarding them with this grateful-ness, if that's a word

This was a bit negative wasn't it!
Anyway, goodnight, check out Episode 1 if you fancy it, and sleep well!

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