Sunday, January 02, 2011

Tronsha Goddard

This is overdue, but TRON was awful. Pure, pure awful. It was about 2 hours of blue lights and terrible acting. However, it was good to see Alan Bradley back in something, I could've sworn that tram finished him off in the 80's but he came bouncing back!

(There was a character called Alan Bradley in Tron, if you hadn't guessed. RITA)

Meanwhile, Christmas occured! It wer good, I got some gifts, so if you were the bearer of said gifts, cheers. My highlight is that my Wii Mii Character is designed after Maude Flanders (obviously. I think I might end up on a list some day) and I won her on Mario Kart Wii! It's mental.

So if that paragraph didn't sum it up, 2010 was a really boring, terrible year. Well, not boring. There were some highlights, like that time we went the beach and my (sorry, Ants), birthday, then some Christmas Buildup etc; but they were very few and far between! Not to be all doom and gloom, it was just rubbish. I enjoyed the people and stuff, infact it was probably one of the best years in terms of defining my friendships, just circumstances failed! New Year's eve was quite fun though, going to a friends friends boyfriends house party, felt a bit like an American TV Show, which was all good and that. No red plastic cups though, that was a lacking quality. It was enjoyable and I got to spend it with a couple of amazing people. Queer.

However, 2011 is setting up to be alright- I have a plane ticket booked for JAPAN! Woo! March-June I'm jetsetting off so I'll be writing you from Sunny Old Asia, what a treat for you all. A real, real treat. And then, I'm going to (surprise surprise) try and go to University! And stay.

This is basically it, Jo's on the phone to me about Jeremy Kyle. Has anyone got any good new years resolutions for me? Think of some, it'll be nice.

I'll talk a bit about Boxing Night First. If you've seen my costume, you'll be aware that I got it when i was drunk, which explains why its just a series of colourful things. I don't particularly remember much else, my first drink was a pint of wine which sums up where the evening went really doesn't it. My mum thought I was having a vicious argument with myself because of my loud, loud vomiting (if you haven't heard it, facebook Richard Surples, he has about 400 videos of it, because it entertains him and others to no end). I don't really remember going home or anything, or any stand-out event from the night. Rick just made a cake too, so look at that aswell if you're there.

Yes, this is all now. I think I'm going to do a "My Year in Pictures" thing in a minute, so you know, stay tuned and all that. And to everyone involved in my 2010, thanks...I think. If you're worth it, see you this year!!!!

Here's a picture of my friend Paul's face.

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